DAY 6: Reflection

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"Such swollen eyes,
They look so tired,
Messy hair, like a bird's nest,
Are you all right?"

Looking at her,
I feel pity,
How has she been?
What made her look like that?

I didn't receive anything,
She didn't answer nor respond,
She stayed there, looking at me,
With those tired eyes.

" Why are you not answering?
Is there something wrong?
Can I help?
Why are you looking at me like that?"

Still didn't receive anything,
I wish I can help her,
Wash her face,
Comb her hair.

"What's your name?"
I asked again,
"May I know?"
She stared at me.

"I'm you and you are me,
Your name is also mine,
What you see is yourself,
I'm just your reflection."

"Now ask yourself,
What happened to you?"
She asked back
"You're pitying yourself. "

I remember now,
I was in the bathroom,
Looking at the mirror,
The girl I see is my own reflection.

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