Day 24: Nightmare (2)

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Dark afternoon when I was sick,
Rain pouring with a lit of thunder,
Lazy looking the window with sleepy eyes,
Laying to the sick bed to get some rest.

Eyes closing like a snail,
Until the whole surrounding turns to black,
Woke up into the glass flooring,
Asking myself, "Where I was?"

I walk and walk desperately to escape,
But the glass broke into pieces made me scream,
Yet, there's no words can hear,
Fallen to the deepest hallow never been.

Looks like floating to a ocean of darkness,
Then a mirror of reflection appeared,
A perfectly reflection of me,
Loneliness, despair clearly see in my eyes.

It was me back then,
Memories flashing back inside the mirror,
The memories of past I'm escaping,
Looks like I'm trapped to a dream, a bad dream!

Let me out from this nightmare.

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