Day 33: Meeting Of A Friend

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(Inspired by the Lunar occulation of Venus)

This poem is dedecated to Garcia RenzJulius.... Hope you like itt...

Having left with a stressful exclamation,
But you two ended up getting me,
Together, those who light up the sky,
Even when one is distant, I can observe you two closely.

You're meeting a friend there.
I can't help but smile.
We met once more,  you said to one another.
A reunion that many wanted to have.

I'm jealous of you,
Yet, it's captivating to see,
The moment you two shared,
Above the sky with the stars.
Is it been awhile since you two met? 
Missing one another's presence,
Wishing me and my friend also like that, 
Like how I see the Moon and Venus conjuction. 

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