Day 50: My Past Self

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Standing from the corner,
Watching the little girl with long hair,
In her bed sulking,
Tears running down to her sheets.

Minutes later,
Her emotion change,
The tears in cheek dried,
A smile form in her lips.

But her mind just like a library,
Full of book of misery,
Lots of questions appeared,
But none of them been answered.

While her heart in a shallow,
Building up a hallow,
A garden of agony,
Full of hatred and sorrow.

How a child like her face this,
A brave soul keeping it secret,
With a bright energy she giving,
But full of lies that hidden.

She walk to the mirror hang on the wall,
As she face her own reflection,
I proudly smiled to her,
She's so brave that my present self can't win.

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