Day 37: Time To Fight

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This poem is dedecated to excoticmoon......Hope you like it.

I almost fell asleep,
Feeling numb over my body,
I just wanted to get out,
Yet, looks like I gonna sleep here at the place I never know.

My eyes closing abit until I hear it,
A voice!
It's the voice I hear when I'm I don't know what to do,
Who helped me a month ago.

I looked around,
Trying to get up,
Even I fall many times,
I still try until I finally I get up.

Where are you?
"Light up your hope, you'll see the path,
Think your hope is candle once you light it up there's a light,
Just don't stare and find the way out."

I failed to light it up,
Thinking I just need to give up,
Now I know what to do,
It's time to fight, to light up my hope.

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