DAY 7: Nightmare

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Leash hanging in the ceiling
With a pretty maiden fair,
Dress up with her usual clothes,
A comfortable clothes in her definition.

Looking at her behind,
Asking why she made it,
Thousands of reasons come to mind,
But only one reason might rightly to be the answer.

Being tired of everything,
Eight syllables, twenty-two letters and three words,
The only answer she can think of,
Why she did this to herself.

My curiosity invades to see her fully,
Walking forward starting from my position,
Turn around and got shocked,
The girl was only myself.

Did everything really get tired me?
Did I gave up easily?
Question can't be answered easily,
I sighed and said, "Darkness invades and win."

Smiled bitterly wish you had a great rest,
Before walking towards the light,
A voice echoed inside the room,
"Open your eyes and wake up from this dream."

A nightmare I see.

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