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A month had gone by as Hermione sat on the porch swing while she stared off into space. Grandma Elka had yet to return, which was driving Hermione crazy because she still was wanting some answers, and her parents were freaking out completely. They didn't want her to go off too far for fear of the Death Eaters coming closer to her. If she was wanting to go to the library, one her parents were to go with her. They didn't even want to leave her alone for fear someone would come up and snatch her away. 

They were extra buggy as the days grew shorter as Hermione's first interview date grew closer. She wasn't too sure if she was even prepared for what Barty would say to her. She wasn't even sure why he wanted to talk with her. He should be wanting to talk with Dumbledore or even Fudge, who was after all the Minister of Magic. But no, it was her, that he wanted to speak to. 

"Dinner, Hermione," She overheard her Mother's voice echoing from inside. 

"Coming mom," She called back. Just as Hermione got to her feet, something caught her attention. Her head shot up as she watched something zooming across the sky. She took a few feet to the edge of the porch as she watched three wizards landing onto her lawn. 

"Oh! Wotcher, Hermione!"  a witch with hot pink hair said, waving her hand rapidly. 

"Hello, Hermione, we've come to take you. Do you have your trunk ready?" Remus said while they proceeded towards her. 

"Take me? Take me where?" Hermione asked them. 

"Hold up!" Mad-Eye Moody, the real Moody, "We need to be sure that she's the real Hermione. We ought to ask him something only the real Hermione would know. Unless anyone brought any Veritaserum." 

"Hermione, what is your patronus?" Remus asked her. 

"A basilisk," she answered.  

"That's her." Remus assured them. 

"Can you explain what's going on? Now again, what do you guys mean take me and where?" Hermione repeated her questions. 

"Dumbledore has insisted that you move into a safe house for the remaining of your summer." Moody claimed to them, "For your protection, you see, lass. It's while you are interviewing with that foul Barty Crouch Jr." 

"What about my parents?" Hermione asked them. 

"There will be an Auror watching them, but we must insist that you come with us." Moody explained, "Nymphadora! Go help Hermione get her things." 

"DON'T CALL ME NYMPHADORA! It's Tonks!" the young witch shouted at him before walking over to her, "Let's go 'Mione." 

They turned as they entered the house. Hermione was halfway through the foyer when her parents' voice echoed out. 

"Hermione? Is everything alright?" her mom called out. 

"Um... yeah, we actually have some company." Hermione answered. Her parents came from the kitchen followed behind by Winky who was carrying a tray of goodies behind her. 

"What's going on?" Mr. Granger asked, watching as Remus, Tonks and Moody proceeded behind her. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, we're here to pick up Hermione and take her to a safe house." Moody explain to them, "Don't worry, we'll be taking good care of her. We'll also be placing an auror around your house to ensure your safety as well." 

"Why can't we go with her?" Mrs. Granger questioned them. 

"It's wise to not give the Death Eaters any suspicion. It will only be for a short while." Remus explained to them. Mr. and Mrs. Granger looked at each other like they had doubts but there was also a glint in their eyes that told them that they weren't really being given a chose here. 

Hermione had finished packing all her things as she finished hugging her parents. She informed Winky to take care of her family and ensure that they were taken care off. Winky had tears in her eyes as she proceeded outside with her things to head off with them. 

They roamed around in the sky for a while, turning around the sky,  then they had to make a couple of quick turns a few times to hide from Muggle eyes. Finally they landed in a deep alleyway before walked over towards a set of buildings. 

"Here, read quickly and memorize." Moody said before puling out a piece of parchment towards her hand. She glanced down as she read: 

The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London. 

"What's the Order of--" Hermione began when all three hushed her. 

"Not here, lass!" Moody snarled at her, "wait till we're all inside." 

Before Hermione could ask another question, she watched as suddenly she noticed that the building in front of her seemed to have inflated to the sides to allow another building in between them. Hermione's mouth dropped as she was lightly shoved towards it. As they entered, Hermione couldn't help but feel like this place was screaming for her to get the hell out of there. She followed alongside Tonks as she watched Mrs. Weasley walking right out of the kitchen area. 

"Oh, hello Hermione. It's lovely to see you." Mrs. Weasley said to her, "You guys made it in time. Dumbledore was starting to worry something happened to you." 

"We would've been here earlier if Moody hadn't kept trying to change direction every so often." Tonks mumbled under her breath. 

"Sorry if I rather not deal with any risk of getting caught by any Death Eaters." Moody growled at them before turning to face Hermione, "Come on, Hermione. You need to be prepped before your first meeting with Barty... and keep quiet... TONKS! Look out!" 

Tonks tripped over a troll foot and pulled a curtain to the side that revealed one of the most realistic and most unpleasant life-sized portrait she has ever seen of an old woman dressed in a long black dress with sharp painted nails that matched her dark lipstick and eyeshadow. Her long black hair was pulled back into a bun. She was shrieking as loudly as she could like she was being tormented, causing Hermione to cover her ears. 

"Sorry! I didn't mean it!" Tonks whined as Mrs. Weasley and Lupin attempted to close the curtains. 

"Let's go, Hermione." Moody ordered as they attempted to walk past the portrait, which was screaming at her. 

"Filth! Scum! Half-breeds, mutants, freak, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers!" the woman screamed at them. 

"Shut up, you horrible old hag! Shut up!" She turned to see Sirius storming out of the kitchen and towards the portrait. The old woman's face twisted in disgust as she pointed her finger right at Sirius. 

"You!" She howled, "Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!" 

"I said-- shut-- UP!" he shouted at her as the three of them finally got the curtains to cover her up as silence soon came over her. Sirius soon turned towards her as he nervously chuckled. 

"Hello, Hermione. I see you've met my mother." Sirius claimed. 

"Your mother?" Hermione asked. 

"My dear old mum, yeah," Sirius said, "we've been trying to get her down for a month but we think she put a Permanent Sticking Charm on the back of the canvas." 

"Why would a picture of your mother be here?" 

"Hasn't anyone told you, Hermione? This was my parents' house, but it's mine now and I've offered it up to Dumbledore for a headquarters." Sirius explained to her, "Now if you'll follow me, Dumbledore wants to prep you for your interview." 

Hermione followed behind Sirius and into the kitchen where she found the rest of the Weasleys, Kingsley, Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore all at the table. Everyone began to greet her as she made her way towards Dumbledore, who stood up and shook her hand. 

"Welcome, Hermione, let's get started. The quicker we get started, the more prepared you are." Dumbledore stated to her as they sat down at the table. 

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