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A/n: This chapter contains my own OC, Jordan Grimm. 

Over the next few days, they were busy cleaning up around headquarters to make it more livable to everyone. They then got news that Ron and herself had gotten to be the next prefects for Gryffindor. She couldn't help but noticed that Harry was a bit upset that he hadn't been put up as Prefect like the two of them. It was then she felt something within her that wanted to slap Harry across the face again and tell him he had other things to worry about. Then they were entrusted to finish packing their things to get ready for Hogwarts before they had a toast in Hermione and Ron's honor of becoming prefects. 

After dinner, Moody had given Harry a picture of the Original Order of the Phoenix and told him all that was in the photo. Then on their way up, they saw a sight they never thought they would ever see in their life. It was Mrs. Weasley in the drawing room, who had gone up to deal with the boggart, and she was crying. It was a horrible sight to see her weeping over the boggart that had transformed into a dead body of Ron. Worst every time Molly said riddikulus, it only made the boggart turn into another dead family member. Finally a couple of people hurried to help Molly deal with it as Hermione and Harry quickly went back to their rooms to finished getting packed. 

Hermione had a hard time falling asleep. She was plagued with nightmares full of dementors and a mysterious woman that was always reaching for her to bring her into the dark abyss where monsters and demons lurked waiting for her. She could hear Barty's laughter echoing in her ears as his voice kept mumbling to her over and over again 'you know who she is... you know who she is'. 

She was soon awoken by the sound of Mrs. Weasley and Mrs. Black's screams echoing throughout the rooms. 



Soon Hermione and the rest of them gotten their things and were preparing to leave (with Mrs. Black still shrieking at the top of her lungs) for their escorts. Just as Hermione was setting her things down, she heard Mrs. Black gasping as she pointed right at Hermione with one hand and the other pressed tightly against her chest. 

"YOU! You dare be in my house! After what that-- that bitch from your family did to me! Get her out! Get her out, I say! I demand her to be gone at once!" She demanded. Hermione shot a look at Mrs. Black. 

"May I ask--" Hermione started when Mrs. Black gasped again. 

"YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME! You, the bastard of that monster! That awful, terrible witch! Begone you! Begone, I say!" Mrs. Black shrieked at Hermione. It was clear she wasn't getting any answers from Mrs. Black. 

Soon they found themselves at King's Cross and entering the Hogwarts Express. Hermione and Ron made their ways to the Prefect Carriage. As Hermione was opening the door, she found there was other prefects in there of the other houses, including Malfoy who was acting like he was this high and mighty person. 

 However, the Slytherin girl in the compartment that caught Hermione's attention. She had short black hair with most of her head shaven that had streaks of teal in the locks. She had hazel eyes with a tint of blue specks under dark eyeshadow. She had a couple of piercings in her right eyebrow and one on the side of her plum-colored bottom lip. Her neck had a silver chained locket down her chest. There was a serpent design on the front of the locket. She was wearing her uniform that was lightly torn in places around the end of her robes and sleeves, even her tights had rips all over them, but instead of a pair of flats; she had on a pair of leather studded ankle boots. She sat in the seat nearest of the compartment, reading a magazine named The Quibbler, her fingers that had the nails painted a shade of lime-green. 

Everyone in the compartment was keeping their distance from her, which Hermione could understand a bit. However, given that there was no where else in the compartment, Hermione made her way to sit across from the girl. Her eyes darted between Ron and the girl until... 

"Staring is rude," she said, shooting a look up towards Hermione. 

"Sorry," Hermione mumbled to her. The girl shut her magazine as she leaned forward, looking firmly on Hermione. 

"Hey aren't you Rose Nylund's grandchild?" she asked Hermione. 

"Yeah, how do you know?" 

"Overheard my great grandma, Sophia, reading a letter from an Elka something about you." she stated to her. Hermione's eyes widened. 

"Sophia? As in Sophia Petrillo?" 

"Yeah, I'm Jordan... Jordan Grimm, the new prefect for Slytherin." She said, shooting out her hand towards Hermione. Hermione didn't hesitate as she shoot Jordan's hand. 

"Gross! Now you have Mudblood germs on your hand," Malfoy shot at Jordan. Jordan rolled her eyes. 

"Oh shut your trap, Malfoy! Just because you come from a rich family, does not mean we all want to hear the shit that you spill from your mouth. Especially since every thing coming out kills brain cells." Jordan shot at Malfoy. Everyone in the compartment started to burst out laughing except for Malfoy. 

"Wait till I---" Malfoy started when Jordan cut in again. 

"Wait till your father hears about this?" Jordan said in a high-pitched shriek, "Honestly, can't you do anything without daddy's help?" 

Malfoy soon kept his mouth shut as he kept his distance from Jordan, shooting glares at her like he wanted to say something but knew he would only be giving him fuel for the fire. Ron leaned over to Hermione as he whispered. 

"Oh, I like her! Even if she is a Slytherin." 

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