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Hermione sat on her bed after helping out around the house to clean it from some of the pests. She was trying to focus on her reading, but her mind kept wandering back and forth. She couldn't believe the Ministry was trying to expelled Harry. It was wrong. They couldn't do what they were threatening to do. Hermione searched throughout all the entire law books and found that Harry probably had a reason to do what he did. She knew he wouldn't just go about using his magic especially with what was happening right now. 

However, she didn't have time to think when the door opened and saw Harry walking inside the room. She toss the book to the side as she jumped to her feet and rushed over towards him. 

"Harry!" She screamed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Harry returned the hug with a tight squeeze. 

"Harry, we heard about the hearing. It's just outrageous! I've looked it all up, they can't expel you. You were merely protecting yourself..." She ranted at him when a voice cut her off. 

"Hermione, let him breathe." Ron told her. She released her hold on him as he proceeded to walk around. 

"So what is this place?" Harry asked them. 

"It's Headquarters." Ron answered. 

"The Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore create it the first time You-Know-Who came into power. It's the people who fought against You-Know-Who." Hermione said more specifically for Harry. 

"And you guys couldn't tell me any of this? Couldn't write it any of your letters?" Harry asked, sounding hurt. 

"We wanted you, really we did." Ron told Harry. 

"But Dumbledore swore us not to tell you. Even when I came here a yesterday, he wanted me to keep it a secret from you." Hermione explained to him. Harry looked confused about why he was being left out in any information about the Order and all that was happening. Hermione wished she could help him out, but even she was pretty much in the dark. 

"He seemed to think to think it was best. Dumbledore I mean. I think he thought you were safest with the muggles--" Ron stared when Harry cut in. 

"Yeah... have either of you been attacked by dementors this summer?" Harry asked them. 

"Well, no-- I mean... it would be stupid to send the dementors on Hermione. She would just send them back." Ron stated to them. Hermione shrugged her shoulders. 

"So he has more trust in Hermione than he does in me," Harry mumbled under his breath. 

"Harry, that's not it at all--" Hermione started when Harry cut in. 

"Then what is it? You two have been here while I've been at the Dursleys' for a month. I've handled more than a teenager could ever managed and Dumbledore knows it-- I mean who saved the Sorcerer's Stone? Who got rid of Riddle? Who saved us from the dementors--" Harry shouted until his face shot to the side and the air was filled with Ron's gasp. Hermione didn't know what happened until she felt the tingling of her hand. It then came to her that she was the one, who had slapped Harry. She lowered her hand to her side as she took a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry Harry... but you needed it! It wasn't just you down there, dealing with all those things. Ron and I were also down there with you in those hard times. Don't ever forget that." Hermione shot at him. Harry shook his head almost in a submissive nod. She backed away from Harry, unable to look at him with his pouty face. 

"Well-- do you know what Voldemort's been up to?" Harry asked them. 

"No idea. We've not been allowed to attend the meetings. We have the general idea given Fred and George invented Extendable Ears. They've been really useful-- Oh! Then Hermione is also going to talk with Barty Crouch tomorrow." Ron stated to him. 

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