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Hermione wasn't sure where they were now within the Ministry, but she wished they weren't here. She couldn't explained how, but being there had a dreadful feeling looming around her. Like death was breathing down their necks. And it didn't help there were these whispering voices echoing along the cave. She couldn't understand what they were saying due to how low they were speaking yet she knew they were not voices of comfort. 

"Do you hear that?" Harry spoke up, "The voices?" 

"Voices? I don't hear any voices." Ron said. 

"I can hear them too." Luna agreed. 

"Me too." Jordan backed her up. 

"Uh... can we get out of here?" Hermione pleaded with them, "This place gives me the creeps." 

Hermione began searching for a way out when she noticed Harry's entire demeanor had changed. It was as if he sensed something was coming. Harry spun around, his eyes peering upward. 

"EVERYONE GET BEHIND ME!" Harry suddenly shouted while he held his wand outward. Quickly everyone rushed behind him, wands drawn as they prepared for whatever invisible attack came their way. Before anyone could respond, a flood of black smoke came pouring around them in all directions. Hermione tried to throw a spell, but found her arm twisted behind her as she was dragged out through the smoke. 

She almost lost her footing a couple of times until she was pulled out through a door. Hermione stumbled across the floor but found her footing right away. She noticed she was in the foyer of the Ministry now. She peered over her shoulder to find Barty clinging tightly to her arm. 

"GET OFF ME!" Hermione screamed while she pulled herself away from him. She held her wand out, aiming it directly at his face. Barty held his own wand beside himself but he didn't raise it to try with her. "What is the meaning of this? Why do you want from me?" 

"Isn't it clear?" 

Hermione turned around to see someone walking out from the shadows. It didn't take a genius to know it was Iracebeth walking towards her. However, it was still frightening to see her in the flesh. Hermione shifted her wand between her and Barty, making sure to make sure neither of them could take a swing at her behind her back. 

"I believe we have some common goals."  Iracebeth said a little too confidently. 

"Fat chance!" Hermione shouted her. 

"But we do. We both wants what is best for the wizarding world, my dear." Iracebeth claimed, "We both wish for a better wizarding world. One not ruled by that insufferable Minister or that lying  mindless hypocrite You-Know-Who that only does more harm than good or even that old fool Dumbledore that looks out for his own game!" 

"You're wrong! Dumbledore is a respectable man!" Hermione shouted at her. 

"Is he really? A man, who leaves a poor boy in the hands of abusive guardians? A man, who raises him like a lamb to the slaughter when the time comes for him to die? A man, who left Sirius in Azkaban for 12 years because his loyalty was to Harry's father and mother instead of himself? A man, who only helped Snape protect Lily if he pleaded his loyalty to him? Shall I go on?" Iracebeth asked her. Hermione shook her head. 

"What are you talking about?" Hermione questioned her. 

"Weren't you ever curious why Dumbledore played favorites with him? Why he always kept his eye on Harry? It was to protect him until the right moment where he must sacrifice himself to defeat the Dark Lord. For unknowingly, You-Know-Who accidentally created Harry as another Horcrux."  Iracebeth had stated, "I have been able to destroy most except for two. The snake and Harry. Once they are all gone, so will he!" 

"Horcrux? What the bloody hell is a horcrux?" Hermione asked, "If that is true then why haven't we heard about that? And if what you're saying is true about Dumbledore knowing about these, then why didn't he inform anyone about them?"  

Before Iracebeth could say another word, a voice began echoing out around them. Hermione couldn't make out the words (they were too faint) but she could tell it was Bellatrix's voice. 

"I advise you to ask Dumbledore why he hasn't talked about them. Perhaps he would explain himself... then again... he might not. You never know who you can really trust nowadays, Hermione." Iracebeth explained before she ran into one of the floos and vanished in a burst of flames. Hermione turned to see Barty had gone as well, leaving her alone to face what was to come. 

"I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK! I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!" the words of Bellatrix's voice caught her attention. Hermione's eyes widened. She couldn't believe the thought of Sirius himself being dead. She held her wand out just in time to see Bellatrix come running her way. 

"Petrificus Totalus!" Hermione screamed. Bellatrix shrieked as she went tumbling down onto the ground. As she rushed over towards Bellatrix, she saw Harry running towards her with hatred and malice in his eyes. 

"HARRY!" Hermione shouted while she rushed to him, stopping him from reaching her. She knew he might have intended to hurt Bellatrix. 

"SHE KILLED HIM! SHE KILLED SIRIUS!" Harry cried out as he fought to aim his wand at Bellatrix, "She needs to pay! She needs to pay for what she did!

"I know! I heard! And she is going to pay for what she done, but it will not do to sink to her level!" Hermione pleaded with him. She could sense he was in extreme pain but she couldn't risk him ended up on a one way trip to Azkaban. "We got the prophecy, now--" 

"It's gone!" Harry cut her off.

"What?" Hermione asked. 

"It's gone. Smashed on the ground!" Harry informed her, "He can't have it now." 

"Perhaps, but now I got you two." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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