Chapter Four | Roommates

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The morning was extra busy for God knows what, but when he arrived at the main area Dream was already sitting there, gliding his finger against the wooden table.

George was on his way over to Dream when he held up his hand, gently shaking his head. Confused, he tilted his head. It didn't take him long to remember Eret's advice: "Don't talk to only one person, it makes you look suspicious."

George sighed, plopping down at the other table across from Dream. This place is stupid.

George saw Sapnap talking to some other members he'd never met before. He had decided just to sit alone to not cause suspicion.

Not like I'm here to make friends anyways.

One of the staff members stood in front of everyone, getting their attention. "It's movie day! Please follow Rodger to the movie theater!"

Dream glared at his guards as if he wanted to say something, but kept silent.

The place was a decent size. George looked over to see where all the members were sitting. When he saw Dream was alone without his guards, he sat beside them.

Dream glanced over for a moment then back on the film. When it started, all the staff had left the room leaving the movie to play. The movie was some kind of cheesy romance and George had no interest in watching it.

"Hello," Dream whispered.

"Hi," George answered without looking at Dream, acting as if he was paying attention to the film.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Dream apologized regretfully. "You couldn't be around me two days in a row."

The logic in this place made no sense to him. "Everyone tells me to stay away from you."

Dream chuckled. "You're clearly not a good listener," he whispered, not letting anyone else hear.

"No, I'm not. They say you're a troublemaker." George turned to Dream for a second before looking back at the screen.

"They aren't exactly wrong," Dream said truthfully. "I don't follow rules 'cause they're stupid. This place's rules are stupid."

Their rules are stupid...

"Yeah..." George answered, his mind drifting.

"Nice to finally meet you, I would shake your hand but I'm not allowed to touch anybody." Dream frowned but it was hard to see in the darkness.

"Not like anyone would know. It's dark." George glanced at Dream for a couple of moments before forcing his gaze away.

He held out his hand to him, who hesitated before taking it. He let go after a second as if he touched fire.

"You're no different, briefest of handshakes, if I remember it right?" George answered, trying to lift the mood.

"Yeah, well, I'm not even allowed that," Dream sighed.

"What did you do? What could be so bad that you don't get the same treatment as the others?" George asked, hoping to get some kind of answer.

"I exist. I don't try to get 'fixed.'" Dream fidgeted with his fingers

"Why don't you?" George asked.

"There's nothing to fix, there's nothing wrong with me," Dream answered,

George shook his head. "Then why are you here?"

"I liked a guy, I kissed a guy—"

George stopped him before he continued. "That's not normal," George answered, hiding any emotions.

Dream shook his head, chuckling softly. "If you believe that."

On their way out, he was stopped by the same guy who wouldn't allow him to stay with the others. He nodded at George to walk past which he hesitantly took but didn't stand far away so he could hear the conversation.

"Gibson," Dream said, clearly annoyed.

"Jim, take Clay to my office."

Gibson smirked. "You touch me, Gibson, and I won't hesitate to bite you." he threatened, his teeth bared.

"All bark, no bite, Clay. Can't bite if I put a muzzle on you, like a dog." Gibson circled around Dream like a shark circling its prey.

"Like to watch you try. I'm not your obedient dog anymore, Gibson," he snapped.

"I know. Glad to see you've learned good and bad behavior." Gibson reached for his shoulder, but Dream was faster, throwing Gibson to the ground. He was restrained by the staff and dragged through the mysterious door.

George heard someone clear their throat.

"Are you trying to get yourself in trouble?" Eret inquired, annoyed.

George looked at Eret then back to the door. "Who's Gibson?" George asked, avoiding the question.

"He's in charge; the founder of Blue Skies."

He guessed that he was someone important but it didn't mean he didn't feel bad for Dream. They say touching isn't allowed, but Gibson's allowed to touch him anyway?

"It doesn't make sense," George grumbled. Eret let out another sigh before walking away, his hands in his pockets. George watched as Eret left, leaving him to his own thoughts.

He sat down, opening his book to look over the rules, it made no sense to George that Dream got treated differently besides the fact he was disobedient at times. He never saw anyone else disappear behind the mysterious doors, it was always Dream and the other staff members. He refused to talk about what was behind the door.

George followed the group to the cabins before going his separate way. What he didn't expect was Dream to greet him at the entrance. He seemed a bit shaken up but overall glad to see him.

"Hello, George." Dream smiled, George was shocked; just a few hours ago he was in trouble then... he was here?

"What are you doing—" George started but Dream stopped him.

"I'm your roommate, for a few days at least."

George was confused. "I thought you—?" Dream stopped him again. "Yeah, well, I can stay with you for a few days."

It didn't add up.


heyo little kids what's poppin? you get to deal with the wonderous ruby who screwed up and accidentally deleted onyx's ending comment on accident (please don't fire me) so uh... Have some cheese... if you're lactose intolerant then watch everyone else eat cheese while you cry on the floor because you can't eat cheese /j

Stay Calm, Stay Alive

~Not Onyx but ruby

I'm here too!  ~Onyx

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