Tabi's Unhealthy Obsession

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(An Unhealthy Obsession by Blake Robinson, Tabi belongs to Homskiy)

Tabi loves you..he loves Everything about you all the way from your Looks down to your Personality, he wants to keep you all to Himself, He Fantasize about you guys Having a Lovely Wedding together, wherever you go he would Follow you like a Lost Puppy dog...just Creepily stalking you  picking up and collecting anything you leave Behind adding them to his Little Collection a Shrine Dedicated to you, and Taking a Picture of you whenever he had the Chance and Hanging them on his wall, because he Loves you so Much he would Pay your bills for you Saving you some Trouble, your Beautiful Eyes drives him Crazy he could stare into them forever so Innocent...his Unhealthy Obsession for you is Endless, at Night Tabi would go to Sleep he would leave a Walkie talkie in your Room just to listen to your Cute little snores, or if Tabi didn't feel like Sleeping he would grab a Lunchbox and a Coffee and just Watch you sleep, Tabi Wishes that Someday you two would be Together

(Sorry if this was Short and Bad 😞 but I hope I didn't made to Cringey, I probably did...)

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