Yandere Demon Tabi x Terrified reader

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( the Image Above is what he Looks like as a Demon, also Sorry if the Photo is At an Awkward angle, also...SMOKING BAD! NO SMOKING!!! Reader is Female, Requested by Fatimaaziz09, I might come back on here Later to Post a Picture of Tabi as a Demon also, the Reader has Demonophobia, which is a Fear of Demons enjoy!)

Y/n never liked Demons...she had Hated Demons her Entire life she was Extremely afraid of them, she never knew her Mother so her Father had to work Very Hard to put Food on the Table and Pay the Bills, Unfortunately he Worked for Daddy dearest who was a Demon, and like Most Demons the Dearest family possessed many Different Terrifying Powers, your Father told you many times That you both will be Okay...As if Reality couldn't be even more Fricked up...it was Two Years ago when you saw your own Father being Killed right in Front of you by Mommy mearest the Wife of Daddy dearest, she Threatened you that if you told anyone about what you saw she would Kill you too, and of Course you had to have a Fear of Death so you Agreed to not tell Anyone not even the Cops and Ran off, Two years later, You were living in your Old Apartment where you use to live with your Father before his Death, your father wouldn't like it if you Began to Live Outside the Streets and Alleyways if he were still Alive, so you took it Upon yourself too Find yourself a Job (Working as a Waitress at a Hotel, because you didn't want to make the Same Mistake your Father made Working for Demons so you took the Job offer as a Waitress at a Hotel) It wasn't Easy since the Boss was a Butthole at Times and most of the Other Employees and the Manager weren't Exactly nice Either, But you were Handsomely Rewarded nonetheless...However you still missed your Father...you never Moved on from his Death but you didn't Bother seeking your Revenge on the Dearest family because you knew it wasn't worth it, you Hated Demons just as much you were Afraid of them...As you were Walking home from Work you took the Alleyway as a Short cut...In case you were Jumped by Criminals or Drunk idiots you always had a Pocket knife and a Gun with you, And then out of nowhere this Guy attacked you and was trying to Mug you...you Struggled to Escape from his Grip as he tried to Grab your Purse 👛 you Grabbed your Pocket knife from your Pocket and Stabbed him in the Hand, he yelled in Pain as he clutched his Bloody hand and you made a Run for it as he Yelled "Witch!" at you, as you were Running you bumped into Someone and Fell down on the Ground, Hey! Watch where the Frick your Standing! You Frustratedly yelled at the Stranger...you Immediately took it back when you got up and Looked at his Features, Apparently this Guy had a Goat Skull with Purple eyes for a Face...it was Red and his Horns were Black he almost looked like Satan him self...AHHH!!! DEMON!!! You screamed running away but the Guy from before grabbed a hold of you and Held a Knife to your Neck, WITCH! YOUR GONNA FRICKING PAY FOR FRICKING STABBING MY FRICKING HAND!!! You were about to Grab your Gun when all of a Sudden you felt yourself being lifted in the Air by an Unknown force, You know...you shouldn't Point Knives at such a Precious thing, the Red goat said in a Deep demonic Russian voice at the Criminal, both you and the Criminal were Scared by the way he Sounds, What he Did next Terrified you, the Red Goat walked closer to the Criminal...the Criminal tried to Run away but the Red Goat quickly grabbed him from Behind the Neck...As you watched in Horror you had a Flashback of your Past... Mommy mearest also Grabbed your Father from behind his Neck, the Red Goat started to Choke on the Criminal... Mearest Choked your Father...the Criminal's face was Turning Purple from the Lack of Air Suffocating...your Father was Struggling for Air as he Suffered in Mommy mearest's Death grip while you Just stood there...Helpless in Fear...the Present and the Past started playing in Unison as Tabi and Mommy mearest Kept Choking on the Criminal and your Father to Death, Until both of their Heads Snapped from their Necks and they Rolled next to their Feet, This Murder reminded you too much of your Father's Death...this was Exactly how he Died! Mommy mearest Choked him to Death, the Flashback Ended and the Criminal's body fell Limp on the Ground and you were Screaming so Loud Glass could Break, then Tabi lowered you back on the Ground, you quickly Snapped out of your Traumatic trance and Pointed your Gun at Tabi and Shot at him Multiple times, STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU DANG WICKED SPAWN! You yelled at him in Both Anger and Fear while Tears streamed down your Eyes, the Bullets just went Through them, *Click* *click* *click* The Gun was out of Bullets, you just Made a Run for it, Where do you think your Going? Darling? Tabi whispered in your Ear as he Wrapped his Arms around your Waist and Bit down Hard on your neck, you Screamed in Pain and then you Eventually lost Consciousness

Sleep dreams darling~❤️

(part 2...?)

(DISCONTINUED) Yandere and Regular Tabi x Reader oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora