Yandere Tabi stalks Y/n (Part 1)

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(Reader is Gender Neutral)

Y/n pov
Gee, I sure had a Stressful day at Work I can't believe I was the only Person to Bust their Asses off to Satisfy the Customers!, I work at a Cafe in Town our Job was Simple Cook Food, and Serve the Food, and Clean, one of the Employees were Suppose to Cook and Clean and leave me with the Serving and yet... I have to do all of that! I'm the One who has to Cook! and Serve! and Clean! While those other Jerks Suck up to the Customers! They just Laze around and I have to do all the Fucking Work! (Sigh) And the Boss doesn't even do anything about it! I tried telling him Multiple times about the other Employees slacking off! But...hey! Guess what!? I got Freaking Fired! Wow! Isn't that just GREAT!? My Boss said that I was the one who's not Working Hard Enough and Fires me like a Canon ball to the Sun!, And now here I am... walking home from Work wondering What am I gonna do Now? I hope to Goodness Gracious someone's got a Help wanted Sign Posted out Somewhere... there's no way I am living on the Outside of the Streets!,

Tabi pov
As I saw Y/n got Fired by their Boss my Mind Immediately filled with Rage! How Dare he Fire them like that! I saw how Hard they work! Unlike those other Assholes...who didn't even do Jack shit! I'll deal with them later...but Right now I got some "Business" to attend with Y/n....I first fell in Love with them the Minute I saw them Walking down the Streets three weeks ago...they look absolutely amazing! I fell in Love at First sight...Unfortunately I didn't have the Courage to tell them how I feel! or even Talk to them...I've only been Stalking them wherever they Go, Taking pictures of them and Hanging them on my wall, Finding any Scraps they leave behind and Collect them adding them to my little Shrine, I was so Obsessed with them that after three weeks I finally couldn't take it Anymore!

You didn't notice the Hooded Man Stalking closely behind them, the Street lights just Barely reflecting off of the side of his Goat skull like face as your Image was Burned within his Eyes, you Felt like you were being Followed so you Swiftly turned around, Anxiety filled your Core to the Brim Fearing that whoever was Following you was up to No Good, However you didn't see Anything or Anyone behind you, you Took a Deep breath of Relief and Continued walking back home, it was Then Tabi peered his Head out from Behind a Tree...Looking at the Picture he took of you when you Turned around he Traced his Finger down the picture as he Adored the Cute Frightened expression you had on your Face, Y/n....I will make you Mine...no matter what he says Before Shoving the Picture down his Pocket and Continued Stalking you 

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