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I hate parties. I never understood the want to attend one. Sure, there's alcohol and weed but I have those at home. Pretty girls always showed up but none ever caught my interest.

High school parties were terrible but college parties were worse. Especially if it was at a college you didn't attend. Running into a hundred sweaty, drunk, horny young adults everywhere you turn wasn't exactly my idea of a fun way to spend a Friday night.

I groaned and finished the rest of what was in my red solo cup. The liquor burned its way down my throat. Freshman girls with their tits out kept trying to get my attention but all I wanted was to go home.

"Freddie! I'm gonna head out!" I shouted towards my friend who had his tongue down a pretty brunette girl. Freddie kissed her one more time before whispering something to her and coming towards me.

"Seriously man?" He clapped me on the back. "You've been here for all of twenty minutes. Don't be a party pooper! Loosen up!"

"Dude, we've been here for two hours. I told you I didn't want to come in the first place." I shrugged off his arm. "I'm going home, you have fun."

Freddie frowned when he saw he wasn't going to change my mind. "Ugh! Laaame! You go sit in your solitude I'm going to go get some well deserved hanky panky." He licked his lips while staring at the brunette who was making her way back with two red solo cups.


"Okay you do that buddy. Don't be late for work tomorrow though, Manson is about ready to fire your ass at this point."

"Ah ah aha!" Freddie shouted, jabbing his elbow into my stomach. "Don't bring up work at a party! It's bad luck."

I laughed before finally saying goodbye. I doubt he heard me since his tongue was back down the girl's mouth.

Forcing my way through the crowd of people I finally made it to the door. Standing there was a group of girls who surprisingly enough weren't throwing themselves at the guys. One, a beautiful dark skinned girl with stark white hair seemed to be on the phone with someone.

"Kiah! What....I can't hear you!" A few moments of silence. She pressed a finger to her other ear as if it would help her hear better. "I'm at the party I told you about! It's loud as shit, bitch!" Her dark eyes met mine. "Can I help you?!"

"Sorry!" I shouted. "You're blocking the door!" She rolled her eyes before moving, still yelling at the person on the phone.

I finally made it to my car after stepping over a few passed out teens. I felt like I should check on them but I was tired. I thought about making a noise complaint so the cops would show up but Freddie would kill me if I ruined his night.

Once in the solitude of my vehicle I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. Running a hand through my hair I tried to calm my nerves. Loud, large crowds had a way of spiking my anxiety so I tried to stay away as best I could.

Plugging in my aux I turned onto the street. There were even more people in the streets and adjoining frat houses, all trying to make their way inside. I honked a few times which only rewarded me with middle fingers and shouts.

I sighed. I couldn't wait to leave this damn state.

I turned up my music, Okay by Chase Atlantic soon filled the car. Singing along in my head I started the drive home. Once I left the campus there weren't as many people. I guess grown adults find other more enjoyable things to do on a Friday that don't consist of sweaty horny youths.

That's when I saw her. I slammed on my brakes just in time. The girl stood there trying to catch her breath, she must've been running. Tears streaked her dark cheeks and she was shivering.

I quickly got out of my car and raised my hands to show her they were empty before slowly walking towards her.

"Hey, are you alright?" I cringed. My voice was louder than I had expected. She slowly met my eyes and bit her lips.

She seemed to struggle with an answer, as if she wanted to say yes but knew she wasn't anywhere near alright. What was she running from. Or who.

"I just...I." She started before breaking into sobs. She stuffed her face into the large arms of her sweater.

By now I had reached her side. "Hey hey hey now. It's okay." I wrapped my jacket around her trying to soothe her without scaring her. It didn't work.

"Don't touch me!" She shrieked and jumped back. Her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry." She sobbed again.

I took a step back, giving her some more space. Someone must've hurt her, recently, physically.

"It's okay I won't touch you. Can you tell me how I can help you? You're quite literally in the middle of the road at three am. It's not safe out here." I stuck my hands in my pockets.

She glanced around as if she was seeing nighttime for the very first time. Her dark eyes made their way back to mine.

"I just want to go somewhere safe." She said in a whisper like voice.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Fuck. I hope I don't sound like a serial killer. Home was probably the safest option for a girl like her.

She shook her head. "I want to go home but he knows where I live and I just don't wanna be home right now." She wrapped my large jacket tighter to herself.

"Who knows where you live? Do I need to call the police?" This sounded serious and I really didn't want to get in between something that involved the law, I had more than the legal amount of weed and drugs in my car at the moment.

She whispered a name that I couldn't quite hear. "Please don't call the police. I'm not ready." She said staring at the ground. "Can I stay with you for tonight? I know you're a complete stranger and I-I'm a mess but I really don't-" she started crying again.

I wasn't one for company, especially crying girls who were obviously running from someone. But there was something about her that had me interested.

"Yeah of course. You can stay. Here, let me help you." I took a few steps forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, careful to leave room between us. I guided her to my car and opened the door.

After moving the pile of study books to the back seat and the monster energy drinks off the floor I motioned for her to sit. She whispered Thankyou before getting in.

I closed the door and exhaled again. My heart was racing. I looked down and noticed my hands were shaking. This was such a bad idea.

The drive home was quiet. The girl didn't say much. I did get her name though.

Nokiah Willis.

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