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I woke up to the sound of the front door closing. A few seconds later the sound of tires peeling out of the parking lot followed.

I had guessed by now Ezra was a night owl but by now it was almost four a.m.
What had him heading out the door so early. Well, late in our case.

I thought back to our conversation. The look on Ezra's face almost terrified me, I tried everything in my power to not look him in the eyes. His dark, intense eyes.

He looked like he was going to hurt someone. It shocked me. How could he feel so much emotion over something that happened to a girl he didn't even know?

If he ever found out who Dorian was, he'd probably end up killing him. Not that I would mind per say. Dorian wasn't my favorite person in the world. Perhaps the world would be better off without men like him.

I stretched my arms and yawned before patting around for my phone. MY PHONE! I began panicking. Had I lost it? I never did reply to Latoya's thousand missed calls. She was probably worried sick.

Latoya was more my sister than best friend. We sort of took care of each other when neither of us had anyone to turn to. I wasn't on speaking terms with my family and her mother basically raised her to be the mother of her younger siblings.

Upon hearing a familiar ding from the counter I made my way to the kitchen. The couch in the living room didn't look slept in and surprisingly neat. The dishes were still in the sink though.

I picked up my phone and saw I had three missed calls from Latoya and a couple texts from Dorian. I exhaled. I didn't want to respond to either of them. Surprisingly Latoya the most. She'd ask questions which I wasn't ready for. I doubt I'd ever be ready for those kinds of questions.

I only told Ezra because I owed him that much after allowing me into his home and scaring him half to death in the middle of the road.


I turned my head to Ezra's laptop which sat next to my phone. The notification lit up the screen and revealed his unlocked screen.

It was a message from Dorian.

I scanned the text.

"Hurry up, I'm not going to wait out here forever. I've got shit to do."

I bit my lip, my finger hovered over the keypad. I didn't want to intrude on his private space but why was Ezra talking to Dorian only a few short hours after I told him about what he did. Without mentioning his name of course.

Had Ezra gone through my phone? I didn't want to think he did. He probably just flipped my phone over when the notifications went off and saw the messages.

I scrolled up. They were meeting at the University's football stadium because Ezra wanted to buy drugs. I inhaled through my nose, I didn't take Ezra to be the type of person to buy the kinds of drugs Dorian sold. Dorian liked to dabble in the bad shit, like coke for instance.

Ezra seemed more a weed guy. Maybe mushrooms.

Something in my gut told me to follow him to the stadium. If he had looked at my phone and saw the horrible messages Dorian sent me, he no doubt put the pieces together. Which would mean he wasn't buying drugs from him.

"I'll just take a look." I said aloud. The sound of my voice in the quiet room almost scared me. I grabbed my shoes and pulled my sweater on over the large T Shirt. I took off my bonnet and turned off the kitchen lights before heading out the door.


Thankfully Ezra didn't live too far from the field. It was just a short fifteen minute walk. The cold air felt nice against my burning skin which helped subdue the growing feeling in my stomach.
I didn't know Ezra well, if at all, but the look he had in his eyes, I knew something bad would come of this meeting.

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