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My head was in a frenzy. What the fuck happened back there? The kiss was unexpected, not unwanted of course. I had never been kissed like that before, with so much passion, it had almost felt greedy. We were both so hungry for each other, the only reason we had stopped was because Ezra valued my dignity more than his wants.

And then he had abruptly turned me away. Nobody. The word hit like a truck and I had released his hand. The girl, Delilah, gave me a triumphant smirk. They clearly had more history than just exes. The way she inched closer and closer to him, placing her hand on his arm. It all made me want to hurl.

So I slipped away.

Making my way out of the shop from the side door, I headed towards the pier. I didn't know where I was going but I had to go somewhere. Blindly, I walked into a small seaport resturaunt. As if on queue, my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten anything all day and the food smelled like heaven.

A curly headed waitress smiled at me at the entrance. "Howdy hi! Is it just a table for one?" After I nodded she flashes me another smile and leads me to a center table. Giving me a menu and a water she informs me she'll return soon to take my order.

I sit and try to calm my nerves. The growing noise of the people surrounding me filled my ears. I wasn't much for crowds, the noise and the constant staress made me uneasy but I liked being able to disappear.

After ordering I pulled out my phone. The no service symbol made my stomach drop. I hadn't heard from Toya in over a day and I could really use her sarcasm right about now. Sighing I dug into my food. A rise coming from the front of the resturaunt caused me to lift my head.

"No you don't understand, I saw her come in here. I need to talk to her...I don't care if you're full, I can see her. Just let me in. Please."


I smiled. He had come after me. 
He took the seat across from me and lowered his eyes like a lost puppy. It was cute.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like that. But you have to believe me, Lilah and I are over. Hell, we broke up almost a year ago. "

I laughed. "It's fine, I don't know what got into me." I placed my hand over his and gave it a little squeeze. "You don't owe me any form of explanation."

Ezra gave me a sheepish smile.
"I know she probably gave you a bad impression, but she did invite us to her family's beach house for a dinner party, the Campbell's throw one every year to kick off the beginning of summer. Her parents were a literal godsend when all the shit was going on with my p-"

"Yes I'll go with you." I laughed, interrupting his speech. A look of relief flooded his face. I bit the inside of my cheek, I really wanted to continue where we had left off. Before Delilah had interrupted.

Ezra continued on like nothing had happened. Like he hadn't been ready to fuck me on the pool table.

I didn't want to bring it up, in case he regretted it or made him uncomfortable, but I wanted more. I pressed my thighs together before crossing my legs under the table.

I noticed Ezra staring at me and I offered him a smile. I felt dumb. All I could do was smile and act like there wasn't this desire burning inside me, this urge that made me want to do unholy things to him.

"What's the dress code like at one of these parties?"

"Well they're all usually themed, 90's, rock and roll, shit like that. I believe this year it's 1920's themed."

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