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"Nokiah!" I lunged, catching her before her body hit the cement. I cradled her head in my arms as I stared at her face. Her beautiful face. Her skin seemed pale, even with her dark complexion.

Her chest heaved. She was still breathing. I could feel her shallow breaths hit my skin as I held her. I gently shook her, but her body remained otherwise still, lifeless almost.

"Nokiah, please. Wake up." I all but whispered. Of course there was no response. I had to take her to the hospital, even if it was against her wishes. I didn't know the first thing about caring for someone in that way.

Gently lifting her up, I carried her to my car parked on the opposite side of the lot. She didn't weigh much so it was no difficult feat. Opening the side door, that was harder than I had anticipated. I laid her on the backseats and wrapped the blanket I always kept under the driver's seat around her body.

The hospital wasn't far but then again, nothing was far in Westport. I'd been to Hillary Hope Hospital more times than I'd liked, so it wasn't my favorite place. And then with all the people and questions, it made my anxiety skyrocket.

"Nurse! Nurse! Please help!" I yelled as I burst through the entrance. A few people in the waiting room looked at me skeptically, no doubt trying to figure out what exactly it was they were looking at. We probably made an odd pair.

"Yes, how may I help you? Is she alright?" The nurse placed the back of her gloved hand on Nokiah's forehead and muttered something under the breath.

"I-I don't know. You tell me!" I searched her eyes, hoping to find any form of an answer.

"Okay sir, tell me what happened to her." She gestured to another nurse to get a gurney before motioning me to place Nokiah on it. I gently laid her down before taking her hand in mine.

"Sir, if you don't tell us what happened we won't know how to help her. Can you tell me your name."

"Ezra Em-Grayson. Ezra Grayson." I breathed out my eyes still focused on Nokiah's closed one. Please open. I silently begged.

"Okay Mr. Grayson. What happened to your friend?" The nurse prompted again. I could tell she was trying her best to remain patient.

"She-she was hurt." I knew Nokiah didn't want anyone else knowing about what Dorian did to her and it wasn't my place to tell but nurses could be trusted.


"Was she hurt sexually?"

I finally made eye contact with the nurse and nodded. Would she think I'd done this to her? Of course she wouldn't. Right?

The nurse nodded to another nurse and he wheeled the gurney and Nokiah down the hall before entering a private room. She looked back at me, her eyes soft.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, if that's all right, Mr. Grayson. Mr. Grayson?" She placed a hand on my arm and I peeled my eyes away from the direction Nokiah's and gone.

"Will I be able to stay with her?" I asked. I needed to know she'd be alright, it felt like she was my responsibility.

"Of course, Nurse Benson is going to take her and get her all cleaned up and check for any bruises or cuts. Do you know if she has any?"

I shook my head, hair falling into my eyes. I hadn't noticed any.

"No. She was raped. Not by me." I made eye contact with her again. "She came to me looking for help and she was fine three hours ago, and then she...passed out." I ran my hand over my head but it did nothing from stopping the long strands of my hair from falling back into place on my forehead. "Is she going to be alright?"

"Yes, Mr. Grayson. She's just dealing with post traumatic stress, she's gone through an incredibly traumatic experience and this is her body's way of taking care of itself. We'll get her some IV's and check her blood and oxygen levels." She placed her hand back on my arm. "And then you can visit her."

I nodded and she offered me a slight smile.

"You can sit here in the waiting room and I will come get you once she's stable, okay?"

I nodded again and she went off in the direction of Nokiah's room. Room 222.

I sat in the chair closest to the door and ran my sweaty hands down the legs of my pants. I could the anxiety in my nerves. I wanted to run out of this damn hospital.

After an hour or so that seemed to drag on for an eternity, the nurse returned and motioned me to follow her. I hastily stood up almost knocking the chair over.

And there she lay. Her dark hair surrounding her like a cloud in contrast to the white hospital pillows. Her skin was still pale but warmer this time. She had tubes going up her nose and a bandaid in the pit of her elbow, where they had taken her blood.

She was dressed in a plain hospital gown yet she was still beautiful. Her long dark lashes kissed her cheeks and her lips had some life in them.

"You can stay as long as you like. Just press this red button on the side of her bed when she wakes up and we can get her some food." The nurse said as she exited the room.

I took the seat beside the bed and gently took one of her fingers into mine. I looked over her face again. It was the first time I was able to actually look at her. Sad that it was under these circumstances.

"I promise I will make him pay for what he did to you." I whispered more to myself than to her. Dorian would pay. I'd make sure of it. I'd kill him if it came down to it. I was ready to kill him tonight before Nokiah had shown up.

"You won't have to worry about him hurting you ever again. I promise." I pressed her hand to my lips. I could smell the eucalyptus oil on her skin. It had never been my favorite scent until now. Nokiah smelled of eucalyptus and lavender.

I'd never liked the smell of those two. Until now, because she smelled like them.

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