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I lied. I had been extremely nervous this morning. Freddie had been passed out on the couch by the time I had returned from dropping Nokiah off at her apartment.

I had wanted to kiss her. So bad. The way her eyes shined from the bright hospital lights. Her wild crazy hair framing her face and the way her lashes kissed her cheeks when she slept. She was beautiful.

I wanted to kill Dorian. The things he said and did to her, she didn't deserve that.

I knew better than to rush into something, especially with a girl who had just been through as much as she had. But I needed her. And not just in a sexual way, yes my body wanted her, but it was much more than that.

It involved my parents.

My dad called while I was in her hospital room. I walked out quietly, not to wake her. Nokiah made little sounds in her sleep and I smiled.

"Dad, why the fuck are you calling me?"

"Are you with her?"

I groaned. My family had a way of ruining everything. I guess that what happens when you come from money. I had tried my best to stay away from their lifestyle. Not that I had much choice. My father got whatever he wanted.

"Yes, dad. How even did you know? You haven't bothered to contact me for two months. Why the sudden interest?"

There was silence on the other end. The relationship between me and my dad was strained, we only talked to each other when absolutely necessary although he insisted that we talk once every two weeks.

"I've been busy, Ezra. You know the kind of work I'm involved in. I had a few of my guys follow you, just a safety precaution, just to keep an eye on you when I'm not able to."

"Dad! I'm twenty one years old, when are you going to allow me to be my own person. I don't need fucking bodyguards."

"You watch your language when you speak to me, boy. I am still your father and let's not forget I bought you that car you love so much. And I'm paying for your schooling. Shall I continue with the list of expenses I am paying for?"

I clenched my jaw. "Only because you offered. You said it was your way of making it up to me for not spending the first eighteen years of my life because you had you other family." I paused. "How is Olivia? Mom is doing well, by the way. Not that you care, you never visited her in the hospital. Did Olivia not allow you? That woman has you wrapped around her finger."

"You forget that she is my wife. Watch the way you speak about her." His tone was cold, waiting for me to challenge him. Arthur Emerson was a man waiting for a challenge knowing he would win. Effortlessly.

That's what I get for having a lawyer as a father.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. It's not that I hated the man. No, I despised him, but he had his moments.

"Cooper told me about your meeting at the football field. Things got tense didn't they."

Fuck. He knew. Of course he did, Arthur Emerson knew just about everything about everything.


"Do you plan on killing him?"


"Over a girl you just met?" He sounded a bit disappointed.

"Yes, dad. He raped her and said cruel awful things to her. He deserves it." I said through clenched teeth. I would think he would be on my side, seeing how most of his clients were murderers themselves.

He sighed. "Be careful. I don't want to have to clean up yet another mess created by you."

"I know what I'm doing."

Arthur waited on the other line for a moment before speaking again. "If you need any help, you know you can always talk to me. You're still my son."

"Yeah Dad. I got it. Thanks." I pressed end call and sighed. I knew what I needed to do. Arthur knew what I was going to do, he'd done a similar thing with my mom.

I went back into Nokiah's room where she slept peacefully. Perfectly.

I needed to get her as far away from Westport as I could before I could carry out my plan.


I pulled into the little deli Nokiah had pointed out about an hour into our trip. I wasn't hungry but I would force myself to eat if that's what she wanted.

"Stay here." I flashed her a smile before getting out. She had a questioning look on her face and her brows furrowed together but she sat. Walking around the car I opened her side door.

"Wow, I didn't realize how much of a gentleman you were." She giggled and slipped her hand into mine. I let out a breath of relief I hadn't realized I had been holding.

I wasn't much for physical touch but I liked holding her hand. It felt right.

"I don't want to lose you inside." She said shyly.

"I promise you, you won't lose me." Nokiah smiled at that and gave my hand a light squeeze as we entered.

The deli was quaint, blue and white tiles covered just about every available surface. There were fresh cuts of meat and vegetables everywhere and the smell of toasting bread filled the building.

"God, I'm so hungry." Nokiah said standing on her tiptoes and glancing behind the counter.

"Get whatever you like, I'll buy you whatever you want." One thing about having a wealthy father who felt guilty for the many years he was absent, he had no problem giving me a couple thousand dollars.

Nokiah looked up at me wide eyed. "Really? Cuz lord knows I could a whole horse right now. Although I probably wouldn't want to, considering horses are peaceful animals and probably wouldn't taste very good. I mean-Jesus Christ." She inhaled. "Please remind me to catch my breath sometimes, I tend to ramble when I'm nervous...or hungry. I think right now I'm both. I mean I really shouldn't be because-"

I laughed and without warning pressed my lips to her forehead. With a slight jump she stopped talking. Her eyes widened and I felt her hand release from mine.

Fuck fuck fuck.

"I'm so sorry." I took a step back, my eyes searching hers. They were wide and seemed glazed over. I knew it too soon. "Fuck." I dragged my hand through my hair, my heart raced.

"Hey, I'm okay." Nokiah pulled my hand away from my face and caressed my knuckles with her thumb. "I just...wasn't expected that and then it just being so soon after Dorian I-"

"Stop. I should be the one apologizing, you did nothing wrong." I placed a hand on her cheek. She flinched lightly. "I would never hurt you."

She nodded. "I just got scared." She whispered before shaking her head. "I think I need some air." She gave my hand a squeeze before walking out the door. I stared helplessly at her retreating back.


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