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"The Campbell Beach House was one of my favorite places growing up. When my father wanted to present his family to the media or had special dinners, I was always sent here." I grimaced at the memory.

Nokiah looked at me, her dark eyes questioning. She wanted to know more but was too polite to probe. I knew I had promised her a chance to know me but my fathers side of the family was more off limits.

"My father was more embarrassed of me than he let on. He couldn't let the world know about the child from his love affair." I rolled my eyes and picked up a chess piece.

"I'm sorry, Ezra." Kiah said quietly. Her dark hair was pinned up with curls cascading down her back like a waterfall. Loose strands fell into her face and she kept reaching to tuck them behind her ear.

I closed the distance between us and tucked the loose strand behind her ear. She lifted her face to mine and her lips parted.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I don't want or need pity."

"You're so strong." Kiah whispered backing up into the chess table. Her fingers latched through the belt loops of my tuxedo pants.  "No one deserves to be treated like that."

I placed my hands on either side of her hips and leaned my face closer to hers, our lips inches apart.

"And how do I deserve to be treated?"

"Like this."

Kiah pressed her lips against mine, her fingers laced together in my hair.

God, it was even better than the pool table kiss. She had kissed me with so much hunger before but now it felt like she had had a taste and wanted more.

I wanted to give her more. I was going to give her more.

"Oh fuck." I moaned against her mouth. Lifting her up onto the table I knocked over the remaining chess pieces. My hands found the curves of her body under her clothes.

Hearing her breath hitch at the feel of my touch I smiled, biting her earlobe.

"You don't know how bad I want to fuck you right now. Every time you look at me it's so painfully hard to control myself."

Kiah stared up at me, her dark eyes longing.
"So why don't you?"

I laughed against her mouth. "Do you want me to?"

"Why is that even a question?" She bit her lip, her hands shaking down to the zipper of my pants.


"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" A snarky voice called from the doorway.

"Fuck." I whispered, detangling myself from Nokiah. "Delilah, your timing really sucks."

Delilah rolled her eyes. "Well it is my house. And I really don't like anyone but me having sex on my parents chess table."

Nokiah laughed aloud. She snorted before covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry."

Delilah shot her a glare before flashing one of her signature smiles at me.

"I'm really glad you decided to come." Delilah closes the distance between us and placed her hand on my arm.

"Well I was about to." Kiah mutters loud enough for only me to hear. I couldn't contain the snort that I let out.

Delilah glared at Nokiah clearly bothered to not have been included in the joke.

"Mama said I need to lend you a dress, which I'm happy to assuming you've never been to one of these parties." Her eyes wandered down Kiah's body, after finding nothing of interest she feigned a smile. "Your chest is smaller than mine so we might have to use some of Rosaline's old clothes."

Kiah forced a smile. "Wonderful." She looked back at me and mouthed "I'm gonna kill myself." As Delilah led the way to her bedroom.

"Oh Ezra, the twins are 𝑑𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔  to see you." Delilah cooed over her shoulder.

He chuckled and took that as my cue to go find the two fourteen year old girls.

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