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The next few days following the incident at Delilah's party were complete bliss. Ezra and I spent the days on the beach or the boardwalk, visiting shops and restaurants. The evenings were spent either in bed; devouring each other, giving into our sexual desires and fantasies. Other nights we fell asleep under the stars, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Each day, I could feel myself falling more and more in love with the person who was Ezra Grayson. Yet, no matter how much time we spent together, no matter how much we talked, it felt as if I had barely scratched the surface of who he really was.

Every time I brought up his father he became closed off, quick to change the subject. There was this wall and no matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't let me past it. He wasn't able to allow himself to be vulnerable with me yet, at least not all the way.

I tried to respect his space, but to him; I was an open book. I had a problem with oversharing and with him it came easy. He knew me...all of me. I tried not to be hurt and upset but I couldn't help but feel shut out.

He loved talking about his mother. His eyes lit up at the mention of her; said I reminded him of her, he wanted me to meet her. She was his best friend.

The only thing he said about his father was he was rich; filthy rich. The kind of rich that would pay off the woman of his bastard child, to send him to any school he wanted, regardless of his grades. Arthur Grayson had enough money to do anything he wanted.
"I'm not sure I really understand what I'm supposed to be doing here." Ezra laughed.
Cracking an eye open I couldn't help but laugh. He was sat with his legs crisscrossed with his arms on his knees, trying to meditate. In his palms were a few tiny crystals we had found at a crystal shop on the pier.

"You're supposed to be clearing your mind and allowing your body to relax. Thank the universe for what you have and then tell the universe for what you want as if you already have it." I explained. We had been trying this everyday, usually Ezra would just sit on the sand laughing at my concentrated face or interrupt my thoughts with a few kisses to my face. I had finally convinced him to join me and he...well he was trying his best.

"I already have everything I want right here though." He mumbled and placed the stones on the mat. Getting on his knees he crawled over to me on the other end of it. "I'm here, my feet in the sand on the prettiest beach on the coast with the prettiest girl in the world; So tell me, Nokiah; what else should I want?"

I laughed and placed my hand on his cheek. "You are so charming. I'm sure there's something that deep down you want." I searched his eyes. I knew deep down he wanted his father. Not just someone who sent him money but someone who was willing to be seen in public with him, to love his mother, to treat him like a part of his family; not just the child he had when he cheated on his wife.

Ezra shook his head, his curls breaking loose from the tiny ponytail atop his head. "Nope." He kissed me. "Nothing."

When Ezra kissed me it felt like he would never stop, like it was the last kiss he would ever have. Every kiss was full of passion and desire; a raw hunger. It always made me wanting more; more of him, all of him. Including the parts of him he didn't want to talk about.

"Well, then you can thank the universe for all that you have." I placed a kiss on his lips. "I know I am beyond grateful for you."

"Oh yeah, want show me just how grateful you are?" His face moved towards my neck and placed wet kisses there. A stirring sensation formed in my core again, the same feeling that I felt every time he kissed me or looked at me.

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