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I blinked. Where am I? I looked around trying to take in my surroundings.

Then I saw him. Passed out in a chair, his dark hair covering his closed eyes. His head was thrown back and his mouth slightly open. He had his arms crossed yet he looked relaxed.

I smiled before looking down and seeing an IV tube stuck in my arm. Was I in a hospital? Fuck. I remembered.

I'd passed out after the confrontation with Dorian and Ezra at the football stadium. The stress of being held at gun point and the thought of Dorian shooting Ezra had been too much for my already tired body. There was also seeing Dorian again after the assault that made me want to throw up.

Seeing him again felt like reliving that night again. And the things he said about me. Those horrid, awful things.


I choked back a sob which shook my body causing the needle to jab deeper into my skin.

"Ow!" I cried out. I could feel the blood rushing and I felt lightheaded again. Hearing a shuffling from the corner of the room I whipped my head up. Ezra moved with lighting speed to my side. I smiled slightly.

"Hey, are you alright? Do you need anything? The nurse said if you press this button they'll bring you some food." He pressed the back of his hand against my forehead and a look a relief flashed through his eyes when he removed it.

I smiled at his concern. "I'm okay really, and I don't really want to eat gross hospital food." We laughed. I liked the sound of his laugh, it was something I could get used to. If I ever saw him again after this.

"Do you want me to get you anything? I could get you some food from any restaurant you want." Ezra sat back in his chair fishing for his keys in his hoodie pocket. I liked the idea of eating food that didn't come in bulk.

"I really want to get out of this damn bed." I pushed myself up into a sitting position and swung my legs over the side. Standing up I stared at myself in the mirror on the far wall. I looked tired, my hair was in a low bun, no doubt knotted and tangled. The hospital gown ended right above my knees which were dark and ashy. Latoya would kill me if she saw them.

Ezra nodded. "Yeah yeah no I get it. I have your clothes here." He handed me a small plastic bag with his large shirt and another hoodie. I must still be in my black shorts.

"Thankyou." I took the bag and awkwardly stared at the ground.

"Right, haha." Ezra chuckled and turned around giving my some privacy while I stripped out of the gown and pulled the hoodie over my head.

"Okay. I'm ready." We smiled at each other and to my surprise, Ezra offered me his hand.

"I don't wanna lose you running out of this building." He flashed me his brilliant smile, making his eyes bright.

Of course that was the only reason. I didn't like to think that I was falling for him. I'd only known him a few short days but already he had saved my life. Twice.

I gave him my best smile and took his hand. I wobbled a bit causing me to wrap my arms around his. Leaning on him I made myself right again.

"Sorry." I whispered. I heard nothing from him but I could feel his eyes searching my body, making sure I was alright. "I'm fine. I just want to leave."

Ezra nodded and tugged me lightly out of the room. To my surprise the hall wasn't as busy as I had thought it would be. No one there to notice us slip out.

We made a break for it. Ezra leading me, his hand still in mine. We ran through the long corridor down the hall and through the doors. The adrenaline felt good in my veins, making me feel alive again.

"Wooo!" Ezra laughed raising his hands in the air, his face red as the cold air hit him. The hem of his hoodie rose up to show the hint of a tattoo on his stomach. "That felt good."

I laughed as well. He was right. The short run felt nice, being able to stretch my legs. I raised my own arms into the air and joined him in his celebration.

He was right. It felt amazing. The run had loosened my bun and my dark hair was now spilling around my shoulders. I pushed it back and out of my face before turning to Ezra.

He had his dark eyes glued to mine, his brilliant jeweled smile flashing at me. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

I laughed. "What do you mean?"

He spun around in a circle his arms stretched out. "It's the end of the semester, summer's ahead. Do you really want to spend this freedom stuck in Westport?" He took a step closer to me and took my hands in his. "Let's go somewhere."

I smiled. I wanted that. I didn't know how badly I wanted it. I wanted him.

"You don't even know me." I tucked my hair behind my ears. Ezra shook his head and laughed.

"That's the point! I would like to get to know you. Know you, Nokiah Willis. Not the Westport version of you. The real you." He placed his hand on his chest. "I want you to know me."

The moment I met him, I knew there was more to him than just an art covered apartment and the smell of weed. There was so much more to him that I wanted to know.

"Okay." I smiled up at him. I was considered a tall girl in my social circles but my five foot eight was still noticeably short to his roughly six foot three. He all but towered over me, yet the height difference felt comforting.

His face lit up again. "I'll pick you up tomorrow then."

I smiled again as we made our way back to his car. I was never one to take risks but I figured there was no time like the present to do so. Besides what's life even good for if we don't push ourselves a little?

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