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I didn't think Ezra would ever actually get over me, but seeing him not once but twice with her made my stomach churn. He seemed so in love, not the way he was with me, a peaceful, content love. Like she was the only thing that mattered.

It wasn't that I really wanted him back, but we all want what we can't have. Inviting him to the party was only the first part of getting him back. I wanted to see what she was like, what she had that I didn't.

Setting the twins on her to scare her of his past was next. It seemed to work. She had stormed away, leaving him standing, waiting for someone to save him.

Naturally I went to him, placing my hand on his arm in the same spot hers was. He just glared at me before the look faded into one of confusion.

"Why Delilah? Why do you insist on ruining and controlling things for me? You agreed we needed to end things because you didn't want your friends knowing your boyfriend went to a non ivy league school."

I shook my head. He was correct of course. Something like that would ruin my own prospects of getting into the school I wanted. I couldn't have him tainting my reputation.

"I know, Ezra. And I'm sorry, I truly am. I was stupid but I'm here now and I've missed you." I looked up at him. "So much."

He scoffed. Ouch. "It's too late, Lilah. Can't you see I've moved on? If you actually cared about me, you'd realize you messed up what we had and that I'm happy now."

Ezra pulled his arm out from under my hand and started after Nokiah but I caught his hand.

"You didn't think about me at all while we were apart?" I pleaded, my voice sounding desperate. I needed to know if I still had a chance, that maybe even for a second I had been on his mind.

Ezra spun around to face me, his eyes burning with fury. It made me quiver, not only with fear but excitement. I had hardly ever seen him angry.

"Delilah, I was a wreck over you, I could hardly look at another girl because all I wanted was you. All I could think about was you, and now when I finally can see myself happy again you won't let me because it's not you making me happy." He pried my hand off his arm. "Just let me go."

I stepped back, releasing my hold on him. His words hurt and I could feel this anger rising up from the pit of my stomach. He was right, I didn't want him happy if that happiness was not coming from me. Call me spoiled, narcissistic, sadistic, etc.

He was mine.

Fuming, I made my way back up to my bedroom, the only place where it was quiet. Some of my friends called out to me in greeting but I ignored them. I needed time to think.

bzzz. bzzz.

"Oh my god!" I said pulling my phone out of my hand purse. No recent notifications. Maybe I'm finally going crazy.

bzzz. bzzz.

It went off again. Glancing around my room, my eyes rested on the desk. Sitting there, as if it was waiting for me, was Nokiah's phone. I smiled.

Picking it up, I read the most recent notification. A text message from a boy named Dorian.

"You dirty little slut."

"Kiah, where the fuck are you? I've already been by your place, Latoya said you were gone but wouldn't tell me where. Said you had gone with some boy. Kiah, I swear to god if you're with Grayson I will hurt him if he touches you. Tell me where you are."

Oh? Looks like little miss perfect was playing the field. I replied of course as her, sending Dorian the address saying I wanted to talk. I didn't know who he was but if him being with Nokiah meant Ezra being with me, I'd take that chance.

I smiled at myself, feeling somewhat content, and made my way back to the party. After Ezra's words, I could use some alcohol.

"Delilah! Girl, where have you been? I've been looking all over this fucking house for you."
I peeled my eyes away from the wall and turned them to Xavier Colbrooke. He had been all over me senior year and even now was taking a skip year to work for my father in hopes I'll sleep with him.

"Avoiding you." I sipped my drink and smiled as his smile faded. Xavier was cute, bronze skin, dark eyes, light almost ginger hair and a face full of freckles. But he wasn't Ezra.

He inched forward closing the distance between us. Placing his hand on my waist he smiled down at me.

"Oh cmon now girl, when are you going to give me a chance?"

I grabbed a carrot stick and bit the end off. "Maybe when you're beard grows in." I giggled and walked away leaving him with a drunken confused expression on his face.

Finding a trash can I downed the rest of what was in my cup, vodka I think, and tossed it. You'd think that after ten years of my parents throwing these parties they'd think to treat us like adults and let us use actual glass cups. My mother used the glass for the parents and the red solos for us.

Hearing a familiar snarky laugh I made my way towards the Library. Inside, with her legs strung over the arm of the chair was my best friend, Clarissa and across from her, giggling like a fucking whore was Nokiah.

Grinding my teeth I forced a smile. "Well don't you too look cozy." I couldn't help but sneer at Clare's smile. She was the closest thing I had to a twin, with Rosaline always away with dad.

I had to admit seeing the look of fear in Nokiah's face made me smile, no it made me laugh. I didn't know who Dorian was but the way he made Nokiah jump made me feel as if I had a chance of using him against her.

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