Slow time

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Can we take a break,
Vanish in thin air?
Disappear for a while
Travel stynx and nile.
Row a slow boat,
Freeze time.
Stand under dim light

Can't it all stop
Can't I just teleport
Please tell me why not.
This uneasy feeling
This way of dealing.
I hate it, I want to stop
Because why not

A small hug,
Tight embrace,
Slight warmth
And moments feel like days.

I feel like I fell from the sky
I don't belong here
You sent me, god why?

Sitting in a corner
Eating alone
Singing to herself
Talking to her soul

Cold winter
Harsh snow
Icy gazes
What to do, I don't know

Please stop this,
Hug me
Ask how I'm feeling
Have I recovered? Am I healing?
Please don't hurt me
My heart can't take another blow
The words you said,
In my mind now they echo

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