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The world's a dying thing
A fleet of drowning ships
It has seen the storms at the sea
The sky pouring and deafening lightning
The world's a tired place
Looking for retirement at old age

It's criminal it's unjust
It's filled with hunger and bloodlust
Millions layed down everyday, it's war against thought it's war against them
The world's a filthy place
Rotting forces that corrodes the fabric of humanity itself

We all have the spirit to save the world
Make it a better place again
I too wish to do the same
Ignite change and be brave

I want to have my name in bold letters
Visible to anyone who's ever existed
Fame at my feet for all the things I beared
Songs about my valour being made

But before all that I want to start small
Before saving the world—
I wish to answer the unheard's call
Before millions, before the world
I want to save a person
I want to have the courage to get up from my bed,
Look proudly in the mirror
Maybe I have to save myself

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