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"She can't stay rosè"
She wants to leave,
Let go, please.

I shake your shoulders
Hoping to knock some sense in you
Listen, you can't hold on to the strings so long
They're cutting you, you're hurt

"I'm sorry please stay"
You say, you beg
But we have to let go everyone we met
And what you want, you never get

Those mauve colored bruises
Caused by holding on for too long
Slowly with fingers, gently I caress

Red marks, puffy eyes
Sunken face, dry mouth
A state where someone would rather die

Suffering for days and days
Living in the hell on earth,
Or worse:
A curse, to stay as one, forever.

But even forevers are not forever
And eternity is never
Friendships were never to bound
It was to just boast around

Your soul's darker than your hair
Your skin paler than your wish, than your will
You haven't ate a day
You say you're dying slowly
Just because of a person-
who doesn't even care.

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