Growing Up

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I used to love them, dearly
My heart filled with hope, completely
But growing up ruined me
Ruined my perfect family
Now I understand, I don't want to understand
Take me back to the childhood I forget
I saw things I didn't wish upon
I heard words that made me crumble down

Mother I grew up, why don't you too?
Everyone deserves an apology soon
I grew up, but why
Now everyone's a sinner in my eye
This mansion is painted with ink
All are corpses are waiting to live
Crows scavenging their flesh
They look at me and I see they repent

I serve myself to become your heir
To turn against, to rebel again, I wouldn't dare
I view across the dining table
My freedom in their plates, in their hands
My life but permission for it, they will grant

I came to know they aren't heroes with no cape
They're my moulders who have no shape
No shame in their blood, not a drop in mine
To speak of it is a crime
Being mute is the only thing that seems right

Yet I'm brought back to block one
I feel like I'm chasing my tail
I love it that I hate our bond
But it tears me apart knowing that-
I love them but they hate me beyond
I hate them but they love me beyond

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