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Sometimes when I'm alone
I think about all the chance I got,
To give you a better future
To get rid of all the trauma and gore
Oh, little sister
Sometimes I think about how I could've easily -
Closed you eyes
So you wouldn't see your innocence die
How I could've easily blocked you ears,
So you wouldn't hear those profanities
All those dirty things,
That made feel you disgusting
I'm so sorry,
Please forgive me

Your blood stained hands
And trembling eyes
Begging for help
Sorry you had to see it
I'll be a better sister, I promise

They pushed you, they hurt you
They tore you apart
I just saw and did nothing at all
Maybe I wasn't brave enough, maybe I didn't want to make an effort

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you child
I'm sorry I couldn't save you-
From the monsters in our house,
From the monsters under you bed,
The monsters in your head
I'm sorry I couldn't save you -
From the monster I became

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