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My white shirt gets soaked with red
The sins that I won't even be able to repay
I roll down from the hill
There's a grave where lays all my will
I once flew too high
Faced the consequences just after that
Forgot how to react to love
Should I be happy or concerned

I flew so high and fast nobody stopped me
They couldn't and they didn't want
Falling from such a height, maybe knocked some sense in me
That is why I tore my wings and burnt what was left out
So I never fly again, so I never fall
I built my limit, I made my "enough"
I learnt being too happy was always dangerous
I know the world would be better off without me
So funny how I can see everyone who is cheery
But disgusted to look at the reflections of me

My blood dripping and mixed with my tears
They've flown so much-
that I can't tell which is mine, which is theirs
I have hurt others too,
Knowingly and without purpose
I have fallen on houses and people loved
I have destroyed kingdoms so beautifully ruled
Because I have made murals out of their ruins

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