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Flies fill my lungs, I could barely breathe
Chest stitched so tight, I can't feel my heart beat
I've got a toothache from the lies I tell, so sweet
With my eyes yet again I deceive
The unfamiliar bruises on my hands 
Of war and sin they stink

Be polite with your sadness and despair
Don't take away the gleam in their eyes
The joy in the air
Be quite with the creaking doors of your words
Be soft and of your agony, do not utter
Keep it with yourself, keep it within
The world is too clean for your filth

The salt in me is more than the sea
I hold it back even during stormy eves
I pick myself apart searching for glee
My efforts are in vain, I'm empty

Void of things to share and give
Yet for bliss I have no vacancy
Like the candle that melts away under the sun
The sea foam that never returns
On funerals, the flowers that burn
I break off into oblivion,
I relapse into myself
Towards nothingness I run.

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