Prologue: Y/N L/N......Schweinorg

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Prologue: Y/N L/N......Schweinorg.


If Y/N L/N, had to describe himself he'd call himself above average. It describes his looks, intelligence, athletics, social skills, and so on. Nothing about him stands out, other than his lack of love life, being a Virgin and all.

Due to his upbringing, he became accustomed to hiding his emotions behind an emotionless mask, and he never really stopped doing that.

" Emotions get you killed." When his Mom told him this, at the age of six, Y/N took the meaning to heart like no kid his age at that time.

The next day at school, gone was the cheerful nice and helpful child. What replaced it, was a cold and calculating emotionless expression. He's not cold-hearted per-se, he's actually a down-to-earth and chill guy, once you get to know him.


" Why is Nasuverse so fucking complicating?" An above-average-looking young man said to himself. He has short (H/C) colored hair and emotionless (E/C) colored eyes. He's wearing an (F/C) hoodie and (F/C) Joggers.

Looking at his monitor, displaying the Type-Moon Fandom website, he sighed.

He's supposed to be making a chapter for his Fate/Stay Night SI - Fanfic, but as he stated before; Nasuverse is too fucking complicating.

" Fuck this, I'll do it tomorrow."

[VoidWriterZen: Press X to doubt ]

Switching to CSGO, he cracked his knuckles," I feel today is a Sniping day."


Like this, Y/N spent all night playing CSGO, while vibing with some Russian guys.

" Alright guy, I'll see ya later. A cup of Noodles and Netflix is calling me."

" Alright comrade, ve will play later, no?"

" We will."


Leaving the squad and clicking off of CSGO, Y/N cracked his neck and smiled," I wonder if they added anything good on Netflix~?"

Getting up, he opened his door and walked downstairs, to his kitchen.

" Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmmm~"

Humming a soft tone, he got started on his dinner.


Reading the caller ID: Mom, he sighed," Yeah Mom?"

" Whatcha doing?" She asked him, In a cherry manner.

"... What happened? Did the next-door neighbors finally die?"

" What?! No! It's just; that your little brother just asked out his crush and I'm so happy for him!"

" I taking it; she said yes?" He smiled, putting his cup of noodles In the microwave and started it up.

" Yes! And guess what?"

"... She has a big sister, doesn't she? And you're trying to hook me and her up?" He knows his Mom too well.

"... You take the fun out of everything." She pouted. His early 30s Mother pouted.

... What has the world come to?

At least it wasn't his dad... Oh, wait, he went for milk and never came back.

" Sometimes I think I'm the parent here."


Taking his noodles out with one hand, he placed them on the counter and plopped a bowl over it.

"... You better not be eating cup noodles again." His Mom suddenly said, hearing that very familiar sound.

" Pssh, I'm making a salad."

" So why was the-"

" *Fake Static Sounds* Hello? Hello?! *More Fake Static Sounds* Mom, I think your breaking up."

" Y/N, we live five minutes away-"

" *MORE Fake Static Sounds* Hello?!" Tapping his phone, he held In a laugh," Hello?... Alright Mom, see you later."

" You better not-"

*Hangs Up*

" Heh," Chuckling, he added some spices to his cup noodles and walked upstairs, while grabbing a bottle of water on his way up.

Plopping on his chair, Y/N turned on his favorite show.


A few hours later, Y/N fell asleep on his (F/C) gaming chair, with the show still playing In the background.


[ Next Day: Morning ]

" *Yawn~*"

Waking up, Y/N opened his eyes and yawned again.

But... He immediately knew something was wrong.

Sitting on his bed, reading the Hentai he wrote with a pleased smile, is an old man.

He... looked... old. Y/N would guess he was around his forties. He was clad in a gentleman's suit with a black billowing cape, having spiky gray hair and a graying beard. He possesses eerie red crimson eyes and a smirk, holding endless amusement.

" Yo." He suddenly, said, glancing up at Y/N.

"... What the fuck?"

Why is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, In his room reading Hentai?!


[VoidWriterZen: I has the creator of this, hoped you enjoyed my amateur writing. Please comment and give this writer some feedback. If you have any ideas, please comment on them too, I would love to hear your thoughts ]

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