Chapter 1

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"THANK YOU," you say as you walk off stage and towards one of your best friends Megan. "You were AMAZING, like every other night," Megan says as you walk up to her, hugging her after the performance like you always do. "Thank you, Meg!" You say as you step away from the hug. "We should go find the boys," you say taking off your in-ear mic, and placing them on your shoulder. Megan nods in agreement and follows you to the other stage where Kells was getting ready. "Angel, you were great tonight," Kells says as he gets strapped into his harness and gives you a side hug. "Thanks, Col," you say returning the favor. "Colson your on in 30 seconds," a crew worker says to Colson as he walks over here. "Thanks," Kells says as he turns to look at him. "We're going to go sit on the side of the stage," Megan says hugging Kells and kissing him on the lips. "Ok, ill see you guys later," Kells says as he returns the kiss to Megan and gets handed his Microphone.

Megan and I walk back over to the side of the stage where we just were moments ago and sit down behind one of the big stereos. "It never gets old, watching him do his shows," you say as you turn your phone off to watch Col's intro video. Megan nods in agreement as she lays her head on her shoulder and gets comfy.

"Los Angeles, you were great tonight!" Kells says as 9 lives turn on. "I love you guys, you were great to me," Kells says as he walks over to his band and gives them a hug. They all walk off the stage to you guys as you stand up to give them all hugs. "You guys were great tonight," you say as the group walks back to Kelly's dressing room. You plop down on the couch, as Kelly gets ready to go do his meet and greet. Kelly leaves the room and you stand up and walk over to your dressing room to get change out of your show outfit and pack up all your stuff. "Can I come in?" A voice says outside your room. "Sure," you say packing all your makeup into your bag. "Hey, Megan wants to know when you will be ready?," Rook says as he peeks his head into the door frame. "Soon, I just have to put my stuff on the bus" you say as you grab all of your bags. "Do you need help?" Rook offers. "No, I'm good I'm just taking them to the bus, you can come with me if you want," you say passing Rook as you walk out of your dressing room. "Sure" Rook says as he grabs one of your bags and follows you to the bus.

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