Chapter 17

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"Okk, and your all done!" Nikki says as she sets down the makeup. You fix your hair real quick and head to the wings of the stage. "And I would like to introduce my best friend Y/N!" Kells says as you run onstage. You and Kells finish out the show, and the whole band takes a final bow. "GOODNIGHT" Kells says as we all walk of the stage. You head to your dressing room to get changed and pack all of your bags. "Are your bags ready?" You here a voice say from behind you. You turn around to see Landon sitting there. "You were amazing babe" Landon says walking towards you. You meet him halfway and give him a hug. You guys just stand there for a moment till your phone dings. "Kells wants us on the bus" You say as you pick up your phone. Landon grabs your bags and follows you out the door.

You throw the door open and climb up the stairs. "There she is" Kells says as you walk into the bus. He walks over to you and gives you a big hug. "You were great as always" Kells says as he lets go. "Thanks Kells" you say as you sit down on the couch. Landon sits next to you and you lay your head on his shoulder. "Do you wanna go to bed" Landon asks. "No, its fine" you reply. Everyone just sits in the front of the bus talking and laughing into late hours of the night. "Landon, are you going to put her in bed?" Slim asks as he looks over to see you sleeping on the couch. "Yeah, Ill be right back" Landon says as he walks over to you, picks you up, and takes you to the back of the bus and lays you in your bed. He turns around and walks back to where everyone else was.

You wake up and check your phone to see its 8am. You get up and walk into the kitchen of the bus. You sit down at the table and scroll through your phone. "Heyy" you hear a voice say. You look up to see Megan standing in front of you. She sits down next to you and lays her head on your shoulder. "How are you and Landon" she asks pulling out her phone. "We're good, why?" You ask concerned. "Oh, just wondering" She says looking away. "Oh,ok" you say rubbing it off. After an hour or so everyone else started to get up and get ready for the day. "Im having a show tonight and I was wondering if you all would come" Landon asks as he turns around from the counter. "We would love to come baby boy" Kells says from the couch. "Bro, what did you just call him" Slim asks sitting next to him. "JUST BECAUSE Y/N CALLS HIM THAT DOESNT MEAN I CANT?" Kells says screaming at Slim. "Bro it was weird asf" Slim says as Y/N starts laughing. "See someone thought it was funny" Kells says as he comes over and high fives Y/N. Just as they finished the driver for the bus opens the door. "Hey y'all were here, Kells you manger wants you on the stage right now, along with the band" he says. "Ay thanks Mike, we will be there in a sec" Kells says thanking him. The band, Kells and Megan all got ready to leave. "Bye little babys" Megan says as shes the last one to leave and shuts the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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