Chapter 9

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A/N: Does Landon get a new girlfriend next chapter??

"Hey!" Megan says as she walks through your bathroom door. "Hi!" You say as you start doing your makeup. "What are you getting ready for?" Megan asks as she shuts the door behind her. "Me and Landon are going out to eat" You say as you apply Primer to your face. "OMG REALLY?" Megan screams. "Megan, shut the fuck up before everyone hears" You say as you cover her mouth. "Sorry, sorry" Megan says as she removes your hand from her mouth. "What are you going to wear?" Megan asks as she lands against the door. "I don't know, want to pick something out of my closet?" You ask Megan. "Yay, sure" Megan says as she opens the door to your room and goes into the closet. After a couple of minutes Megan walks back in with a Red skin tight dress and Black Tall heels. "Boo, i got you" Megan says as she lays it on your bathtub. "I trust you" you say as you start curling your hair. You finish your hair and then put the outfit on that Megan picked out for you, grabbed your phone and noticed that it was 4:55 and headed downstairs before Landon got there. "Y/N, you look amazing" Megan says as soon as you walk downstairs. "Well you did style my outfit" You say as you started laughing. You walked outside to find Rook out there. "Y/N you look so beautiful" Rook says standing up. He walked over and admired you more. "Thanks Rook" You say as he walks over to you. You looked up at him and before you know it he leans down and kisses you. After a minute Rook pulls away and you see Landon pulling into the driveway. "Sorry Rook, I have to go" You say as you walk down the stairs. Landon waves to Rook as you opened the door. "Why hello princess" Landon says as you opened the door. "You look hot" Landon says as he pulls out of the driveway. "Thank you" You say as you buckle your seat.

You guys pulled into a really fancy restaurant and you already saw paparazzi there. "Great" you say to yourself as you get out of the car. Landon meets up with you at the front of the car and holds your hand as you walk into the restaurant. "I have a reservation" Landon says to one of the hostess. "Name please?" She asks. "Its under Barker" Landon reply's. "Yep, follow me please" She says as she grabs 2 menus and starts to walk. You and Landon follow her till she stops and places menus down at 2 chairs. "Your hostess should be right with you" She says before she turns around and walks away.

After dinner, you guys drove over to the Hollywood sign. You and Landon decided to go to the top, but half way there you got tired and he carried you on his back. Once you got up there you guys laid a blanket down and sat next to each-other. "This is beautiful" You say as you lean your head on Landons shoulder and look over Los Angeles. "Are you cold?" Landon asks after a while when it started getting chilly. "Yeah, a little bit" You say shriveling. Landon takes off his Plaid Long sleeve shirt and puts it on you. You lay down next to Landon and he wraps his arms around you. "Goodnight Angel" Landon says next to you. "Goodnight Rockstar" You say back, as you fall asleep under the stars in the arms of your favorite man.

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