Chapter 1: Run away

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A small girl curl up into a ball at the corner of the room where shadow hide her. Long dark brown hair lay on the floor, surround her small pale petite form. She tilt her head up and reveal glassy icy blue eyes filled with unshod tears. She buried her face into her fold arms that support by her knee, listen to the happy cheer from other side of the mansion.

As she continue to listen, she could no longer hold her tears. She sniffed as crystal clear tears slide down her chubby cheeks. Today was suppose to be their birthday, the birthday of her and her twin sister, but only her twin got to celebrate it seeing as her parent label her as monster for having the same eyes as their evil brother, her uncle. They hide this fact from her twin but never hide the fact to her.

Every day and night, her parent would come to her room and hit her or insult her for having such vile eyes while her brother would ignore what they do and act as if nothing happen, even her twin didn't even care for her, only to fuel up their parent hare for her as she blame all the bad thing she do to her intentionally or not, it would always be her fault.

She sniffed and wipe her tears with her white sleeve, she have enough of this. Tonight, she would escape this place and never come back, she would abandon the name of this family. She has already prepare herself, she didn't pack a things because she has no need for all this things that not brought with love.

She stand up and walk over to her study table. She pulled out a paper and write down one single word before she leave it on the table and move to the window. She slowly and quietly open it, and look down at the ground. She sigh and pull her red scarf over her nose then jump out the window. She land on the ground gracefully and quietly before glance at the house and dart out off her family compound, into the forest cover with nothing but whiteness of snow.

A dark brown haired boy smile at his beloved sister that was happily bouncing around their parent, he lean his face on his pale fist that was support by the armrest. His red wine eyes sparkle with happiness but it all dim down as his smile falter when he remember his other sister was alone in her room at the other side of the manor. Today was suppose to be his sisters birthday but why are there only Yuuki here? Now that he think about it, he have been ignore her for years, even the time he saw their parent hit her, he didn't even glance at her.

Guilt grip his heart as he remember all the things he and their parent have been doing to her, but she do nothing and continue to love them. He mentally curse at himself, he doesn't deserve to be her brother! She have been suffer all these years and here he is, sitting in his chair, laughing merrily, ignoring the sound of sobbing from across the manor. He froze, Wait....Sobbing? I didn't hear it for quite a while now.... he thought frowning.

"Kaname? What's wrong?"

He was snap out of his thought by the smooth voice of his mother, he look up only to see his family looking at him worriedly. My family, huh? Yuka is also my family! He thought as he shot out of his seat and exit the room, heading to Yuka's room.

A man with wavy dark brown and red wine eyes, his face was identical to the boy, there was no doubt that Kaname got his look from him. He look down to meet with his wife gaze, who has wavy brown hair and red wine eyes, there also no doubt that the girl beside her got her look. "Okaa-sama, Otou-sama, what's wrong with Onii-sama?" The girl asked, dark brown haired famed her face as her wine doe eyes blink at her parent innocently.

"We don't know Yuuki" The woman said as she crouch down beside her, "How about we follow him?" she asked kindly with a smile. Yuuki smile and nod before she dart out of the room to follow her beloved brother.

"Haruka" The woman stand up and look at her husband worriedly. He turn to her with a equal concern, "I don't know, Juri" he answered before the two of them exit the room and followed their children.

But when they walk down the corridor, following their son's scent, their worry start to grow as they remember the path, it was lead to a forbidden room, the room that they cage their unwanted daughter that has the same eyes as 'him'.

When the three of them arrive to a certain opened door, they know what this door lead to. They push the door and enter the room where their youngest family member is, only to met with empty neat room with there son standing in the middle of the room, holding two things.

"Onii-sama!" Yuuki squealed and trot over to him, hugging his torso but he make no movement to hug her back or any sound, "Onii-sama?" Yuuki tilt her head up to look at him but she couldn't since his wavy fringe was shadowing his eyes.

"Kaname? Is something wrong?" Haruka asked stepping up to him and place his hand on his son shoulder, but Kaname stay quiet looking down at the note in his hand and an open book. Suddenly Kaname drop down to his knee, his body shake as tears leak from his closed eyes. "Kaname!?" Juri rush his side, "What's wrong!?" she asked worriedly but Kaname didn't answer, he continue to crying silently which was something he wouldn't do in front of his family or anyone.

"Onii-sama?" Yuuki sniffed as she couldn't stand to see her brother like this, "What happen? Is someone hurt you?" She asked but frown when Kaname didn't answer her even though he always answer what question she ask.

Haruka look at his sobbing son before his eyes trail to the note and book that he saw Kaname read. He pick it up and read it only to froze and drop it to the floor. Juri look up and stare at her husband in confusion, "Haruka?" she called him but he didn't answer as he continue to stare at the dropped note and book. Notice the note and book, Juri pick it up and read it while Yuuki tip toe and read over her mother shoulder.

Tears leak out of their wide eyes as a sob escape their mouth. Yuuki cry as she warp her arms around her mother torso, Juri hand flew her mouth as she warp her arm around her daughter.

Haruka turn and stare out the open window, into the forest cover with snow, tear drop down from his sorrow eyes fill with guilt " daughter....." He choke out as the cold breeze enter the room and cause the book pages to fluttered, the page that filled with Yuka life story in this manor. The note flew, the note that contain only single word.


Vampire love (Vampire Knight x Diabolik Lovers) [Rewrite => "Eternal" ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora