Chapter 11: Bye bye and Promise

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"Ah....." Azusa frowned, "No......not" he muttered and turn to Akira. " is.........Mukami......Azusa...........the" He introduced himself to her, bowing slightly.

Akira bow back to him and stuttered out her introduction, "H-Hello.....! S-Saka-maki....A-Akira...d-desu....!"

Azusa straighten up and nod silently as he shift from one foot to another, too timid to say anything more. Kou clap his hand together and cooed, "Aww~! Azusa-kun and C-Neko-chan are so cute~!". Apparently the pain had disappeared after he witnessed their adorable introduction.

Yuma rub his head and snort at the blonde haired boy. Akira blush and look down, finding the ground very interesting in this moment. Even so she couldn't help but glance up at the four sibling. Her eyes dart down again when she saw the oldest brother looking at her with a smirk.

"Now that we have finished our introduction" Ruki drawled about Azusa introduction, capturing everyone attention as his eyes glance from Akira to his brother as a smirk settle on his face, "Dinner is ready. We have to go and eat. After that we have to say our goodbye to our little princess"

"Eh??" Akira blinks, not understanding what he mean. Seeing her dumbfounded face, Ruki couldn't help but let out a amused smirk, he decided to explain to her instead of letting her find out herself, so it wouldn't waste their times, "Your father is heading this way" Ruki explained glancing at the darkening sky.

"Eh? She has to go?" Kou pouted, his shoulders slump down, "But I don't get to play with her yet"

Yuma scoffed, "Stop whining. As if she fucking want to play with you"

Kou shoot a nasty glare at him before let out another whining, "Demo~ Yuma~~!"

Azusa ignored his two brothers who started to argue among themselves and turn to look at Akira and Ruki. "Now.....?" He asked Ruki softly.

"No after dinner" Ruki give his youngest brother a glance before look at the little girl who wore a surprise look. "What? Wondering how I know your father?" He smirked at her, amused at the emotion that displayed in her eyes and face, before his eyes harden, "It doesn't matter how I know your father. We have to go now, dinner is getting cold as we speak"

Akira blink at him in surprise before nod slowly. Ruki give her another smirk before turn around and enter the house. Akira glance at the other sibling, only to find that Kou and Yuma was still fighting and when she glance at the youngest brother. She was surprise to see that he had already staring at her.

She flinch slightly under his gaze, completely caught off guard but before she could ask anything. He had already turn away and followed after his oldest brother. Akira stare at his back for a second before hurriedly follow after him, eager to meet her father.

As if just noticed their disappearance, Kou and Yuma look around before glance at each other and quickly enter their house.

"Oi! Wait for us!"



"Akira!" Gold eyes lit up at the sight of his daughter. The corner of his lip curl up as he watch her run to him. Karl spread his arms wide and caught Akira in his embrace when she run into his arms.

"I miss you Daddy!" Akira smiled up at him before snuggled into his chest. Karl give her a smile and run his hand through her hair, "Daddy miss you too, little princess"

Glancing up, he saw the Mukami brothers standing a few distance away, watching the two. Seeing his gaze, Ruki give him a bow and his brothers follow after him. Giving them a nod, he look down at his daughter as she pulled away and smile at him.

Vampire love (Vampire Knight x Diabolik Lovers) [Rewrite => "Eternal" ]Where stories live. Discover now