Chapter 9: C neko-chan

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"Oh my~ What with all this commotion?"

Akira inhale sharply as she heard another voice. Unlike the other two boy, it was cheery and silky. Akira squinted her eyes down and frown as she mentally scold herself for not notice another vampire presence. She seriously need to focus.

Ruki's head snap to the side and scowl as his eyes land on the owner of the voice. His eyes narrowed down as Yuma turn to the person with a grin, "Oi! Kou! You seriously need to see this!"

"Oya~? What's happen~?"

Yuma glance at the scowling Ruki with a mocking grin and turn to look at Kou, "This girl said Ruki's warm! Can you believe it! Ruki's warm! The two don't even fit or make sense!" he said with a laugh as he bend over and hug his stomach, "My stomach hurt just from seeing this!"

"Oh my~!"

Ruki scowl deepen as he grit his teeth when he heard another laugh mix into Yuma's. He seriously need to punish these two for laughing and mock him.

"Aw~! I can see her snuggling into his hand~! Isn't this scene cute~!?"

Ruki freed his hand from Akira grasp as a low growl emitted from his throat freeze the two boy as they both turn to look at him slowly, "Yuma....Kou....."

"Tch!" Yuma click his tongue and turn his head away with arms crossed.

"Haha~ Don't scowl like that Ruki or else you're going to get wrinkle at early age~! We wouldn't want that wouldn't we~?"


Ruki's voice snap Akira from her mental scolding and wince at his voice as he snap at the newcomer. He's really angry right now, she figured as she slowly scoot away from Ruki as his blue grey eyes glow.

Tension start to build as a nervous voice rang out when everyone felt Ruki's power surround them, covered the whole room.

"A-Ah~ I-I'm just kidding! Don't g-glare at me like that~!!!"

Akira peak from Ruki side and look at the owner of the voice with big eyes as she took his appearance. He was another boy with beautiful face. He has curly blond hair that fade into white at the tips, just like her first brother but messier and curlier. There was a small potion of his front hair was tied into a small pony tail. His right bang was long and covered his right eye.

Only a small bit of his right eye was seen, it was light blue. His skin was pale like other two boy and her. He wears white dress shirt tied with red bow that tuck into his black pant with suspender and black shoes.

His left eye glance at her for a second before return back to Ruki as a nervous smile appear on his face. He raise his hand up in surrender and took a step back, "I'm joking! I'm joking!"

Ruki give Kou one last glare before release a sigh and turn his attention away. He propped his elbow on the armrest and lean on his palm. Eyes closing as he relax and suppress his power, "Shut up" he muttered in monotone.

Kou let out a sparkling smile when he see that Ruki has calm down. His eyes dart to Akira and give her a smile. Ruki's eyebrow twitch as Akira gasp and hastily turn her head back. Her icy blue eyes widened as she was met with light blue eyes.

"Hm~ You are a very cute little girl aren't you?"

Kou grin down at her with his hands behind his back as he appeared behind her and the couch. "Like a doll~" He cooed as he reach down to touch her face.

Akira gasp and scoot away from his hand, into Ruki's side. Ruki's eyes fluttered open half-lifted and glance down at her though make no move to stop Kou advance.

His eyes fluttered close again as he ignored them. Akira warp her small arms around his arm and turn away from Kou, snuggling her face into his arm.

"Aw~! How cute~! She smitten to Ruki~!!" Kou cooed as he give Ruki a mocking smirk before turn to Akira, "I'm jealous~! Ne ne, C neko-chan who are you?"

"C-C neko-chan....?" Akira snap her head to Kou with wide eyes. Kou nodded with a smirk, "It shorten from Cute neko-chan!"

Kou let out a amused hum as he watch red hue appear on Akira cheeks and snuggle back into Ruki's arm. "So who are you?" He asked again with a smirk but his smirk disappear when he didn't get answer from Akira but from other.

"She's Sakamaki little princess"

Kou stick his lip out and pout at Yuma, "Eh?? I asked C neko-chan not you, Yuma" he whined with a sad face.

Yuma click his tongue and turn away, "Your fake expression disgust me"

"How cruel~!" Kou sad face disappear and his lip stretch into a smirk as he place his hand over his heart, "I'm hurt, Otouto~"

Yuma grimaced and scowled, "Don't call me that, bastard"

Kou frown and wagged his index finger at Yuma, "Don't use that foul language to me, Otouto~"

"Screw you"

Kou click his tongue, "Not cute at all, not cute at all..."

"As if I fucking care"

Ignored Yuma's words, Kou turn back to the other two, only to find Akira peak out from Ruki's arm, staring at him with big eyes. Leaning down into her face, Kou grin as he watch her hide her face again, "Ne~ I never thought I would meet the Sakamaki princess~ You are really cute. I wonder how would you taste like"

Akira tense up at his words. This is bad, this vampire want to drink her blood, no one except for her brothers, had ever buried their fang into her before. She bit her lip and tighten her grip around Ruki's arm.

Kou smirk and lean down even more as if trying to find a spot to bite.


Kou pause, and glance at Ruki.

"Don't buried your fang in her without her permission, Kou" Ruki uttered, never looking at them or move from his spot. His voice gain it's authority and power. "You do know what would happen if you do. He would be furious"

Kou frown and lean back, letting out a disappoint sigh, "Wakatta wakatta" he wave his hand and lean on the couch, "I won't drink from her without her permission"

Akira peak out and watch Kou as he smirk at her, "Beside I'm just kidding anyway". Hearing his words, Akira lean slightly away from Ruki's arm and look at Kou. She was glad that it was just a joke and that he won't drink from her if he didn't get her permission. Though she wondered who is 'He'?

Suddenly a ringing sound echo through down the hall into the room, silencing all the conversation. Kou's smirk never wavered as he glance up. "Hm?" Yuma head perk up as they all listen to the sound.

"Huh....? A telephone.....?" Akira wondered as she look up and around.

Ruki's eyes fluttered open half-lifted, he slowly stood up and Akira release her arms from him as she let him stood up and walk away, probably to answer the call. She stare at his retreating figure before disappear into the dark hall. She wondered who called.

Akira turn around to asked the other two boy if they knew or have  clueabout the call or who was calling. She sweatdrop when she found them engage in a argument with Kou teasing Yuma and the other shout at the Kou. Sighing at their attic that remind her of some of her brothers at home, she took this chance and walk away to explore the mansion or find a way to contract her brothers, leaving the two oblivious to her disappearance.



Yes! It is Kou!

Congratulation to those who answered correct! You guy must be a true fan to be able to just know a character just by their speech! Anyway there would be more guess game like this in the future so be prepare!

P.S: Sorry for my horrible grammar!

Vampire love (Vampire Knight x Diabolik Lovers) [Rewrite => "Eternal" ]Where stories live. Discover now