Chapter 13: Mahogany

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"Are you okay?"

Akira eyes fluttered open when she heard a low and quiet voice asked her. Looking up, she saw the pair of lightly tinted blue eyes from before staring down at her. It was a beautiful color, it's lightly tinted blue yet also look like silver blue. It remind her of a pair of a certain Mukami eyes but lighter.

Balancing herself, Akira pulled away. "I-I'm fine. T-Thank you for saving me" She stuttered bowing, grateful that he didn't let her fall. Straighten up, Akira look at the one who save her.

It was a boy. He was a pale boy with slightly messy mahogany hair. Dressed in long white sleeves dress shirt with maroon ribbon tied loosely under his collar, over the shirt was a black vest. He wears short black pant and matching black knee length socks and black dress shoes. All in all he was a beautiful boy but what unnerved her was his eyes. Despite having beautiful lightly tinted blue eyes, his eyes was blank, showing nothing at all. It was as if he was a doll and completely dead to the world.

"It's fine" He mumbled, his face show nothing but apathetic and impassive expression. Then he pulled something out from his pant pocket, "Is this your?"

Dangling in front of Akira was her bracelet. Letting out a gasp, she quickly grab it, "Where did you find it?"

"I noticed it fall off of you when you walked in the empty street" He answered softly staring at her. She then noticed that his voice hold the tone of monotone.

"Thank you for giving it back" Akira bow and smile at him, feeling happy that he return it to her. Trying to clip it on her wrist, she found that it was harder than she thought when she had only one hand to clip it.

Watching her struggling with the bracelet for a while. He step up and grab the bracelet from her small hand, "Here, let me help" He muttered decided to help her clipping it on.

Once it was clip around her wrist, she cradling it to her chest and smile at him, "Thank you"

Nodding, he look at the bracelet on her wrist before his gaze flick up to her, "What is that bracelet?" He asked and she could see a curious glint in his blank eyes, "When I come near you, your presence completely disappear"

Remembered that he was a Purus, she mentally wondered if she should tell him or not but seeing the curiosity glint, she couldn't help but wanting to tell him, to make him show more sign of expression or emotion. "It was a bracelet that was specially made for me to hide my presence from Purus" She answered decided to tell him as she thought that he was not a bad guy, he had save her from falling and give back her bracelet, not to mention help her put it on.

Letting out a nod, he couldn't but ask another question, "Oh....Why? Aren't you a Pureblood Purus?"

Blinking at his question, an idea appear into her mind. Letting out a smile, she grab his wrist and drag him into the bustling street, "If you want to know, you will have to go and play with me!!"

The boy let out a yelp as he struggling to follow after her. His face scrunch up slightly in annoyance, "O-Oi!" he growled but he only earn a laugh from the girl. Sighing, he let himself be dragged knowing that she wouldn't release him. Beside this all happened because of his curiosity. Grumbling under his breath, he earn another laugh from her.

Running around the festival, Akira dragged him to play games and eat candies. Glancing at the boy when they was playing a game of catching a fish with a paper net, she let out a giggle when she saw his face show slight annoyance when his broke. Smiling she pulled him to another games, feeling glad that her brothers had gave her money. In fact, they gave more that she could spend on herself. She told him about this when he wondered how money did she have.

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