Chapter 6: Nearly 1 year later

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It had been nearly 1 year since Akira arrived at Sakamaki Mansion. Many things have change in the mansion since then. Laughing and giggle can be heard through the once gloomy mansion, though there also some shouting and anger, especially from the first wife. The relationship between the sibling have grown dramatically that cause some of them to be inseparable.

Akira find Shu to be a responsible brother yet not, she would always sometimes find him ditching his lesson to sleep or listen to music. Though he has become lazy, he has been anything but a really good brother to Akira. She would sometimes sneaking into his room when he was studying to make his boring hours become enjoyable. Sometimes they would sneak out together and play by themselves. Akira has taking interest in music after seeing Shu play. She was grateful and happy when Shu said he will teach her how to play, Shu find her voice sweet and melodious. Sometimes Shu would tell her about the time with his decease human friend, Edgar. Akira know how painful the death of his friend cause to him, and about how he is scared of fire after seeing his friend run into the fire. Akira would always comfort him as he cried.

Reiji, Akira find him to be too strict sometimes and need to take a break. Reiji would always read her a story and teach her about things, While Akira would give him attention when he need it, and care for him. Sometimes you would find Akira on Reiji lap in the Library. It not right Reiji still not want attention from his mother, he just like and want Akira attention.

Laito find Akira cute, he along with his brothers would always comment how cute and adorable she is. Laito would always fluttered her. Sometimes he could be flirty with Akira, not that she know. He like the attention Akira give to him and his brothers, though he also want it more just like his brothers. He like to brush Akira long hair, he like her hair. It was very soft and smooth, like a silk. Sometimes he would dress her up in the clothes he choose.

Ayato was happy that Akira was here. His day have dramatically become joyful. His lesson have become fun when Akira was with him. The two of them would sometimes sneak out to play since Akira want him to have a break from all those lesson, not that his mother agreed with it. The two would sometimes hide somewhere when his mother was finding him until she gone away, they would quietly giggling as they watch her trying to find him.

When Subaru is down, Akira would cheer him up. She would sometimes come with him to calm his mother down. Akira find Subaru to be protective of her, well....all of the brothers are very protective of her, there was once a man grab her hair, well........let just say he won't ever be showing up again. No matter how quiet or angry Subaru can be to anyone, he can never be angry at Akira, even if he is, it won't long before he forgive her.

Out of all brothers, Kanato become very clingy to Akira the most, not that she mind. She find find him very cute, no matter how unstable or creepy he is. She would always play with him, care for him and give him attention. It not like Kanato is the only who is clingy, Akira is clingy too. Kanato love to dress Akira up, especially in lolita clothes or Victorian style clothes, it wouldn't be strange if Akira grow up to love and always dress in those clothes. Akira is Kanato's doll, but she is also someone who Kanato love a lots. She is the only one, he allow to touch Teddy. Kanato like everything about Akira, the two would sometimes sing together or bake together though Kanato prefer to eat Akira's sweet.

All the brothers would sometimes sneak out together to play with Akira. No matter how much they hate or didn't get along with each other, they would come to peace just to play and spend time with Akira. That is how much Akira affect them.

It not like she hate her, Beatrix would always watch Akira in adoration but it just that she didn't like how her first son mind was focus on the girl, she didn't like how he was not studying that all. She didn't mind Akira being with Shu, but she also think this disturb Shu study.

Even if they weren't relate by blood, Christa care for Akira as her daughter. She has taken a like of her since the first time Akira try to cheer her up. Her mind state has become better after she met Akira and Subaru was grateful for that. Akira also love Christa and happy as it was the first time she ever got mother love.

Her father, Karl was always busy with his work, though he would make time for his dearest daughter. He would come and visit from time to time, to see how she's doing and spend time with her, much to Cordelia distaste. And when Karl, she would always jump at him, but Karl would always stay passive.

She hate her, Cordelia hate Akira from the bottom of her heart. She view Akira as a nuisance and a burden to her sons especially Ayato. She want her gone. Akira was not stupid, she know how much Cordelia hate her and that why she would avoid to be alone with Cordelia. Even so Akira didn't hate her. Cordelia really hate her, she would always try to get rid of Akira, not that it work with how smart Akira is and how protective of her family are.

All in all, everyone love and adore Akira, well except Cordelia. Akira feel that her life has become better than she thought and that she has found a true family to her. She love her new life and family. No matter how twist and insane her family are, she wouldn't trade it for anything.


Today Akira got kick out of the mansion by Cordelia, saying that she didn't want her to disturb her sons study. So here she is, wander around the compound, not seeing any brothers as they was order by there mothers to study, well Subaru didn't get the order but he study anyway.

Akira hum as she walk around the forest, looking at the wild flowers. She didn't even notice how long she has been walking or how she has gone. Before she knew it, she stumble into someone backyard. She look around in confusion. She could see a farm, bushes of strawberries and other berry, many fruit trees, lots of flower bed and a mansion not far away from her.

Huh? Did I come too far? She thought as she start to wonder how far she is to her home.

"Oi! Who are you?"

Akira jump when she heard a loud voice direct toward her. She turn her head turn and look at the person with wide eyes.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Asked a tall boy with long brown hair that fade into a lighter shade at the tip, tied up in ponytail and bang on the right side of his face. He wears short sleeves open white dress shirt over black shirt, black pant and brown boot. His brown eyes narrow down at her.

Akira gulp nervously, "U-Uh....I-I'm A-Akira.....A-And I'm l-lost...." she stuttered fidgeting.

Akira could see a something glittered when he open his mouth to say something, she squint her eyes a little to see that it was a fang. She gulp, she could feel herself tremble lightly knowing that she was in trouble. Human was bad enough already but this is Vampire! She was in a territory of another vampire that she didn't know and she could terribly punish by the owner for trespassing. Brothers would have scold her for this. Akira lip quiver at the thought of her brothers, she miss them already.

The boy has seen how she was trembling, he close his mouth and sigh, scratching his head and crouching down to her level. His eyes take in her appearance. Dark navy blue Victorian dress stop just above her knees, black ruffle sleeves and edges. Knee-length white sock with ruffle and thin maroon bow, black girl school shoes with navy blue ribbon. He can catch a glimpse of a dark blue bow behind her head, clip on her long dark brown hair. Dark blue ribbon tied around her pale neck into a bow. Large icy blue doe eyes glittering with tears, small button nose wrinkle as she sniff, small pink plump lip quivering as her small petite body tremble.

He sigh at the sight of her tears, the little girl was no older than 3 or 4 and she gave off a aura of aristocrat or something like that, he's not sure, he mentally shrug. He run his hand through his fringes, careful not to mess up his ponytail. He cringe when tears roll down the girl rosy chubby cheeks, "E-Eh....U-Uh.....O-Oi! D-Don't cry!? W-Why are you crying!?"

Akira flinch at how loud his voice is, "I-I w-want my Nii-sans....!" She sob, her small pale hands grab onto her dress as she cry. The boy scratch his head not knowing what to do, he open his mouth to comfort her but was interrupt by a voice.

"What is the meaning of this, Yuma?"


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Guess who has appear?

Vampire love (Vampire Knight x Diabolik Lovers) [Rewrite => "Eternal" ]Where stories live. Discover now