Chapter 7: How did you?

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"What is the meaning of this, Yuma?"

Yuma gulp as he heard the familiar voice, he can felt his presence behind him. He turn to look at the person with wide eyes. "Ruki" he hissed, his brown eyes narrowed down as irritation plastered on his scowling face, "Damn you Ruki! Don't you dare scare me like that ever again"

Ruki raise an eyebrow, "My my" he drawled out, amusement could be heard his voice, "You must have gone pretty rusty to get scare that easily, Yuma" he hissed back with a dark smirk.

Yuma shoot him a dark glare as he scowled, "Fuck you"

"Tsk tsk! Watch your dirty mouth, Yuma" Ruki made a 'tsk' sound as he gave Yuma a smirk before he glance at the little girl behind Yuma, "We don't want to taint the little girl with your dirty words now would we?"

Realization flash in his mind as Yuma remembered the forgotten girl behind him, he glance at her then at Ruki before he remembered his words. He huffed and cross his arms over his chest, looking away with his usual scowl.

Ruki look at him from the corner of his eyes and let out a quiet chuckle. His gaze slowly turn to the girl as he step closer to her, curiosity shone in his eyes as his mouth slowly part.

"Now little girl, why are you here?"


Akira froze when she heard the second voice. Her muscle went tense as blood rush to her head, she could hear a ringing sound in her ears as dizziness cloud her mind. Same sentence run in her mind as her grasp on her dress tighten, she use all her strength not to collapse right there.

I'm dead

She didn't even heard what they were talking as she was too frozen to hear anything and the ringing sound in her ears didn't help at all. Before she knew it, shadow covered her entire body as she heard a voice spoke to her.

"Now little girl, why are you here?"

Akira could felt her muscle went so tense that it started to ache. she slowly look up at the owner of the shadow and voice.

He was a tall boy though shorter than the brown haired boy, with pale skin. He has short ruffled hair colored with black on top and white on the tips. His eyes are blue-grey, a unique color that Akira ever saw. He wears white dress shirt with his first button unbuttoned and his collar was up, showing some of his pale chest. Black jacket with white line on it and around his cuffs. He wear it over his white shirt with the right part of the jacket slip down his shoulder to his upper arm, there was also a golden chain clip on his jacket with red and white tip bird feather. He wore black pant and matching black dress shoes. He also wears black web choker around his neck and was holding a book in his right hand.

Akira gulp at the authority and power shone in his eyes, she immediately knew that he was the one who gave order around here. She started to spluttered as she tried to form a words.

It seem that his patient has run thin as he repeated his question again though this time with authority and firmness in his voice, "I will repeat again. Why are you here?"

Akira froze at his voice, it make her remember her unpleasant past. She start to tremble as she remember how Haruka used to order her with that voice, and how Juri used it to forbid her to do something before beat her up. Before she could break down, Akira forced herself to calm down and remember that she was no longer there, she now has a family and protective brothers that must have been worried about her right now.

"I-I got....l-lost... and s-somehow....I-I am...h-here" She muttered as embarrassed replaced her fears when she realized how stupid of her to get lost easily. The boy raised an eyebrow at her in amusement at her answer, "I see then who are you?"

"A-Akira...." She mumbled looking down at the ground.

"Akira....Akira....why have I heard that name?" He mumbled under his breath as he try to remember where he had heard that name, "Akira....Akira........Akira....Sa-" Realization flash in his eyes as he snap his head to the girl, his eyes flickering up and down, looking at her appearance, "Don't tell me, you are Sakamaki Akira?" he asked curiously.

"Sakamaki?" Yuma who has been forgotten snap his head toward them in surprise.

Akira head snap up to them in surprise, "You know about me?!" she asked with a squeak. The black haired boy rub his chin thoughtfully, "If you're Sakamaki Akira then how did you come here when the Sakamaki's mansion is behind that mountain?" he raised an eyebrow as he point at the mountain with his index finger.

"Mountain?" Akira tilt her head in confusion before she turn and look behind her. Her eyes widened at the sight of mountain behind her.



Congrats those who answer 'Ruki' in my guessing game!!

That's right! The one who has appear is none other than our Ruki!! Congratulation to those who answer correct!!

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