Chapter 10: The youngest brother

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Walking down the dark corridor, Akira took her times to look at the decorations despite having fun, a small part of her mind was tingling, warning her that this was bad and dangerous. She ignored that small part of her mind and continued looking around.

Before she knew it, she was outside again. Her eyebrows twitched when she realized that she was once again at the garden. But before she could scold herself for her lack of direction. She noticed that the garden was different. Instead of fruits and other, the garden was full of roses everywhere.

Looking around in fascination, she didn't look at where she was going and bump into rose bush. She sweatdrop at herself and back away, only to noticed a small dark blue ribbon hanging on the rose tree branch. Gasping, her hand flew to her hair but find nothing.

Standing on her toes, she reach over and tried to grab her ribbon. Her eyes widened when the ribbon fluttered and slip further down into the bush.

Groaning, Akira's shoulder slump down with a sigh but quickly straighten up as determination entered her icy blue eyes. She wouldn't give up that easily as that dark blue ribbon was given to her by her precious fourth brother. She would do everything to get it back.

Peering down, she figured that the ribbon must have gone down pretty deep. Suddenly an idea entered her mind though it was pretty stupid but she would do it anyway. Gulping, she kneel down and slowly and carefully crawl into the bush.

She wince when the rose thorns scratch and prick her pale skin but she ignored the pain as her mind focus on getting her ribbon back.

Her right eye quickly fluttered shut when one of the thorn scratch under it. Glancing at it, she let out a sigh and continued crawling, looking around for the ribbon. Her eyes lit up when she notice the blue string not far away.

Quickly crawled to it, her hand stretch out, trying to grab it. Occasionally letting out hisses when thorns scratched her hand. A smile grace her lip when she finally able to grab the edge of the ribbon. Quickly she pulled her hand back, careful not to rip the ribbon.

Cradled it to her chest, she let out a soft smile before look back at where she come from. She sweatdrop when she realized that she was lost in the roses bushes. Grumbling, she bit her lip and look around before crawl forward knowing that there would definitely have a exit somewhere in front.

Greyish purple half lifted eyes stare down at Akira with a strange glint from the balcony. Feeling like she was being watched, Akira look up at where the gap in the bush show the balcony. Seeing nothing, she shrugged and continued her way out.

A wide smile appeared on her face when she saw a gap between the bushes. Knowing that it was the exit, she quickly crawl to it. She let out a relieved sigh when she finally got out from there. Akira froze and tilted her head when she noticed a pair of black flat shoes in front of her. Her blue eyes slowly trail up the shoes to the owner face. Her breath hitch when her blue eyes met greyish purple eyes.

Staring down at her with half lifted eyes, was a small boy though taller than her. He has messy black hair that gradually turn gray and lighter at the curl tips. His face was small and his cheeks was chubby, giving him a look of being delicate. His pale complexion make the scars on on the bridge of his nose along with one each on the lower bottoms of both of his cheeks and the dark bag under his eyes become more noticeable. He was dressed in simple white short sleeves dress shirt, black pant and black flat shoes. There are bandages warped around his neck and arms.

Akira froze and blink at the boy as he continued to stared at her. It was as if hours pass before one of them broke the silence. The boy tilted his head and slowly open his mouth as Akira stood up, giving Akira a quick view of his fang and she scold herself for being careless again as he asked her timidly.


Akira blink at his question, she noticed that he speak really slow. She wince when the word 'Pain' made her remember the stinging of where the thorns prick her. Remembering that he was asking her and how her father told that it was rude to ignore or not answering question. Akira answered simply, "No"

The boy blink slowly at her before tilt his head to other side, "Then why......did you......went into....the.....roses bushes......?"

Slightly confused with how he talk, Akira look at him with out blinking as she answered immediately, "Because my ribbon slip into it"

"Is the.....ribbon....that important.....?" The boy asked without a beat.

Akira nodded quickly, "Yes....! Kana-nii gave it to me!"

"Kana......nii.....?" He blinked.

Akira nodded again, "Yes, Kana-nii. My fourth older brother"

He blink again before give her a slow nod, ", huh......?....Fourth.....?"

"I have 6 older brothers" Akira answered bluntly.

"I.....see....." The boy tilted his head again and blink, "It.....such a.....shame...."

Akira tilted her head in confusion as he continued.

" don' pain......."

Akira sweatdrop at his words and give him a nervous smile, "Um....Why....? You like pain.....?"

"Yes....." The boy nodded and tilt his head up slightly as his greyish purple eyes slowly turn daze as if he was remembering something before a wide grin appeared on his face and Akira shivered at how eerie his grin was as he added, " amazing........feeling......greatest feel...." He paused slightly before continued, "Alive.......and"

Akira shuddered at his words as she stared at him in disbelief. She had met someone who like/love to hurt other, for example her brothers though they didn't show this side to her, but she has never meet someone who like to hurt themselves before. But something in his eyes made her felt like she shouldn't judge him, she wouldn't anyway it wasn't her right to judge other. She felt like something had happened to him and cause him to be like this.

But that doesn't mean she has to like that he only depend on pain to be alive and has purpose. The boy blink as he snap out of his daze and look down at her, "What's.....wrong.....?" He asked timidly when he saw her frown. Snapping out of her thought, Akira look up and shook her head, "Uh...uhh...Nothing"


The two children look to the side and Akira eyes land on Ruki who was standing on the stair, she could see Yuma and Kou standing behind, rubbing their head in pain. The boy tilt his head and blink at the taller boy, "Ruki-nii"

Blue-gray eyes gaze from the bandaged boy to the brunette girl, "I see. You had found the little princess" he stated with no emotion displayed on his face at all.

Azusa glance at the girl before give Ruki a timid nod. Then he noticed that Yuma and Kou were rubbing their head, he tilted his head in confusion, "Ruki-nii.......what Kou-nii.....?"

Ruki glance back at the boy boy behind him before turn back to Azusa. "I simply knock some sense into their head for losing our little princess" He drawled smirking.

Asuza blinked, "Oh.....I see....."

Yuma shoot Ruki a glare but remain silent as Kou frown with teary eyes , "You don't need to knock that hard!" he whined rubbing the sore spot on his head.

Ruki snort at them but said nothing and watch the brunette girl, who sweatdrop at their words. "Azusa" He called out to the shorter boy who look at him, "Did you introduce yourself to the little princess yet?"

"Ah....." Azusa frowned, "No......not" he muttered and turn to Akira. " is.........Mukami......Azusa...........the" He introduced himself to her, bowing slightly.

Vampire love (Vampire Knight x Diabolik Lovers) [Rewrite => "Eternal" ]Where stories live. Discover now