Chapter 2: Karl Heinz

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Yuka pant as she stumble down onto the snow, she tilt her head up as snow start to fall on her head forming a small pile of snow. Yuka sneeze and shook her head, her wavy dark brown hair fluttered as the snow fall from her head.

She gather all her strength and push herself up. She stand in the clear field cover with nothing but snow, shivering as the snow fall heavily, her breath come out in a puff of white. How long has it been since she walk? How far is she from the manor? She was tired and cold, even her warm clothes couldn't help her in this coldness.

Crunch . Crunch . Crunch

She froze as she heard someone walk up behind her.

"Are you lost my dear?"

She spun around, only to paralyze in fear when she was met with bright red eyes filled with craze and blood lust of a level E. Her eyes widen as the man reach out to her, "How about you give me of your blood?" he asked. Fear grip her heart as the hand come nearer and nearer to her. This is it, She will die here.


Blood splash on the white snow as the level E fall down with his body start to turn into ash. Yuka stare at the ash as it got blow by the cold wind, she turn her head to the side and look at the person who save her.

"Why are you out here alone, little one?"

Gold eyes glow as he stare down at the child before him, his long white hair fluttered along with his cloak. Yuka stare up at him with her icy blue doe eyes, "Who...are you....?" she asked suspiciously and in fear but she stood her ground.

The man was clearly amuse at her strong act, he find her interesting, not to mention very beautiful but what he want to know is why a cute little girl like her is out here in the middle of nowhere all alone. But first he has to gain her trust to know that. "My name is Karl Heinz" he said with a smile.

"Karl Heinz.....The current king of the Regius[1]?" She asked tilting her head to the side cutely. Karl eyes widen, he didn't think this little girl would knew about the Reguis vampire race, and if she knew about this then it mean she's a vampire. "Little girl, are you a vampire?" He asked her softly.

Yuka nod, "Yes. See?" She said and open her mouth wide to show him her sharp fang. Karl chuckle slightly at her action but look at her fang for confirmation, now he really want to know which race she is. "What vampire race are you, Little girl?" He asked, "And what is your name?"

Not wanting to anger the king who was stronger than her, Yuka replied to his question honestly, "Purus[2]" she answered innocently, "And I'm Kuran Yuka". Karl eyes widen at her name and look at her in shock, why is the daughter of the famous and important pure-blood family of the Purus race is out here, in the middle of nowhere alone?. "Now little one answer me honestly, why are you here alone?" he asked, golden eyes stare at the girl.

At the mention as to why she was here, brought tears to her icy blue eyes. Yuka wipe her eyes with her white coat sleeves and sniffed, "I-I ran.....a-away from....h-home..." she choke out. Karl eyes widen at her tears and answer, why is this little girl ran away from her home? he thought as he ask her another question, "Why?". He have to know why.

Vampire love (Vampire Knight x Diabolik Lovers) [Rewrite => "Eternal" ]Where stories live. Discover now