Chapter 7

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Finally being able to take a shower felt amazing. I did all of my hygiene things and put on the clothes Bruno gave me. I decided to wear ripped skinny jeans with a loose crop top since I'm just going to be lounging around the house.

Once I was done I looked in the mirror and gasped. My hair was an entire mess. This quick weave was hanging on its last leg. I looked through the bag of things Bruno got me and luckily I found a flat iron and comb.

"He must've been with a black woman before because how did he know to get me this?" I said to myself.

Shaking my thoughts away I fixed my hair the best way I could. Once I was finished I cleaned up everything and began to head downstairs. Making it halfway downstairs I could hear loud laughter. Who are these people?

Finally making it downstairs everything went quiet. All eyes were on me which made me feel uncomfortable. Sitting at the big table were different Italian men with black suits on. There were a few women sitting at the table as well.

"Who is this donna al cioccolato?"One man spoke with this deep Italian accent.

Bruno cleared his voice and spoke. "Everyone this is my fiancé Saige. Show her respect because she will be apart of us now. If you disrespect her, you disrespect me and you know what happens when you disrespect me."

Everyone at the table started whispering among themselves while I was standing there confused. Fiancé?! I never signed up to be that!

Bruno looked at me with a daring look and signaled me to come over to him. I complied and cautiously walked over to him. Once I was in front of him he grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap. I was too shocked to move.

"Behave tonight and play along." He whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

I nodded my head in response. All I have to do is play along and i'll be out of here.

"Really Bruno? You do this to me? Since when have you had a fiancé?!" A woman with long black hair and red lipstick spoke angrily.

Bruno chuckled and sipped from his glass of whine. "Oh Silvia stop with your whining. You knew what you were getting into with me and we all know you are not wife material. Come back when you have your mind right we can't mix business with pleasure. Someone get her out of here." He ordered.

With those words leaving his mouth she was dragged out of the room pleading for forgiveness.

"Let me go! Bruno please don't do this to me!" She screamed from down the hallway.

Once she was out of sight everyones attention was drawn back to the table.

Bruno adjusted me on his lap and spoke to everyone at the table. "I'm sorry you all had to see that but back to the serious problems here. Enzo has successfully stolen from us. As you all heard I was shot at the club and barely made it out. Most of our men died and our numbers are getting small. We are going to head out to Los Angeles to finally take down his so called empire. We will leave tomorrow morning and discuss the plans there. You are dismissed."

With that low chatters began as everyone got up from there seats. What part do I have to play in all this? I hope he doesn't want me to do anything crazy.

Bruno gave me a tap on my thigh signaling me to get up and I complied. A buff man with face tattoos walked over to us with a big smile on his face.

"Wow I never thought i'd see the day that my fratello finally settled down."

Bruno chuckled and pulled the man into a big hug. "You and me both."

The man laughed and looked over to me. He was examining me which made me nervous. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand to kiss it. "Nice to meet you Saige, I am Rocco. Bruno's older brother and partner in crime. If you ever need anything please let me know."

I blushed at his gesture and nodded my head. "Thank you Rocco."

"No problem." He said with a toothy grin.

"Alright Alright that's enough." Bruno interrupted with an annoyed look on his face.

"Same old jealous Bruno." Rocco chuckled shaking his head.

Bruno ignored his brother and turned to me. "You can head upstairs i'll be there shortly."

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"Just do what I say." He huffed.

I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs to the room. A black object was laying on the bed and I walked over to examine it. To my surprise it was a remote to the tv.

"So I guess he is trying huh?" I smiled to myself.

I changed out of my clothes into some comfortable pajamas and turned on my comfort movie, Princess and the Frog. I smiled to myself while watching the movie because my mom would watch this with me as a child.

Halfway through the movie I rested my eyes but ended up going into a deep sleep....

A few hours later...

"Saige. Saige." I heard my name being whispered.

I groaned and looked towards the door to see who was calling my name.

"Sorry to wake you up. You can go back to sleep." Bruno said leaving out the room.

"Wait no come back." I said without thinking.

Bruno instantly turned around and entered the room stalking over to my bed. He sighed and took a seat on the bed.

"Is everything ok?" I spoke softly concerned something happened.

He shook his head slowly and chuckled. "It's just been a long day amore. I understand you may look at me now as the bad guy but in the end you will thank me."

"Why me though Bruno? Why do I have to be dragged into all this?"

Without answering my question Bruno got up from the bed and grabbed my hand. "I will tell all you this soon. In the mean time get some rest we have a early flight to catch tomorrow."

He kissed the back of my hand and walked out of the room. Sighing I embraced myself with the covers feeling hopeless.

"All I need is answers." I said lowly to myself.

Life Is Not A Fairytale Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon