Chapter 11

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Dark neon lights shined as we entered the club. Money being thrown left and right. Dancers swirling around poles and groups of horny men surrounding them are watching them with shark hungry eyes.

My heels clicked the floor as I was following behind Liv wondering where she was taking me. We entered what I'm guessing is the dressing room. It was a lot of commotion going on but it ceased as we walked in.

It's not hard to notice that I'm the only black girl here. I stick out like a sore thumb. Looking around the girls had a look of disgust on their face. I looked different than them so of course they would feel intimidated. I was more curvier than them and they were more on the slim side.

I moved closer to Liv because I was feeling uncomfortable of their stares but she looked at me and sensed I was uncomfortable and spoke. "Everyone I want you to meet Mercedes. She will be here for a while so respect her as you respect me. If I hear anyone of you mistreating her then I will deal with you myself. Let's go Mercedes."

With that she grabbed my hand and led me out of the dressing room.

"How did I do in there?" She said with a big grin on her face.

I chuckled at her excitement. "You did good Liv you even made me nervous."

Liv dramatically gasped and put her hand over her chest. "Thank you! I tried so hard not to break character."

"How do you have that kind of authority." I asked out of curiosity.

"Well I been working here for years. Me and Enzo were in love at one point in our lives until he let all the money get in his head. He would cheat on me and beat me every chance he got. One day Enzo beat me so bad I was sure he was going to kill me but Bruno saved me which is why my loyalty is with him." Liv said in a monotone voice like it was nothing.

I was shocked at her telling me this because I never would of thought she went through that. "So why are you still working for him?"

Her expression changed to a sad look. "I am in debt to him so I am working to pay that debt off. It's like he doesn't want to let me go. Bruno has offered plenty of times to pay it off but I just can't let him do that."

I felt bad for Liv because she shouldn't have to go through that.

While talking we finally made it to the VIP area where a bunch of men were drinking and laughing on the couch. It was naked strippers sitting on their laps and another one dancing on the pole in front of them.

"Liv! Piccola, mi sei mancata" A man with black hair with blonde streaks spoke.

Liv shifted her posture to confidently stand in front of him. "Enzo." Was all she said.

He chuckled. "Ouch. Are you still mad at me?"

His friends around him laughed loudly which quickly killed Liv's confidence because she started to look bothered.

When their laughter calmed down his eyes moved to me scanning me up and down. He licked his lips and rubbed his chin. "And who is this bellezza del cioccolato?"

The way he looked at me made me feel disgusted. Liv looked over to me and pulled me closer to her. "This is my friend I was talking about. Her name is Mercedes."

Enzo hummed and got up from his seat. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "It's nice to meet you Mercedes." He said and kissed the back of my hand.

"Thank you." I said as I snatched my hand away from him.

He chuckled and looked at Liv. "She's feisty I see why your friends."

"When can I start?" I said out of curiosity.

"Today if you would like. I want to see what you can offer me. If my customers like you then you stay. Liv she will go with you on stage tonight."

Liv nodded and signaled to me that we were leaving. When I turned around to leave I felt a hard smack on my ass. I turned around and saw Enzo biting his lip while watching me walk away.

I shivered in disgust as Liv pulled me. "Ignore him he is a piece of shit."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To get ready to go on stage." Liv said casually.

"On what?!" I said in shock.

Liv rolled her eye playfully. "You will be fine."

We made it backstage where a couple of girls were just getting off stage. They were sweating and had money hanging out their outfits. While walking past me one girl bumped into me and gave me a nasty stare. I tumbled back almost falling but Liv was too busy talking to the dj to notice.

I sighed feeling defeated for not standing up for myself.

"Are you ready?" Liv said interrupting my thoughts.

I rubbed my sweaty hands on my thighs and took in a deep breath. "I guess so."

The dj was introducing us as we walked on the stage.

"I can do this." I said to myself. I have to get in my own world if I wanted to do my best and ignore everything around me.

The song Desert Rose played loudly through the speakers. I slowly walked around the pole to get a feel of it. Once I was comfortable I started my routine.

I felt like I was in my safe space. I was free and it felt like it was only me in the room. I twirled and twisted around the pole and the people seemed to love it. I smiled in satisfaction.

A familiar feeling came from the first time I met Bruno. A familiar gaze.

Looking around the club I tried to find his gaze while dancing on the pole. I quickly spotted him in the VIP section. While his friends were talking to him his gaze was only on me. It was intense making me feel nervous.

I stared back at him moving my body seductively for him.


I was in a trance.

She is so beautiful.

She is mine.

Life Is Not A Fairytale Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora