Chapter 2

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Saige POV

"We have a special treat tonight! She is going to wow you with her smooth dancing so get your money out fella's because your going to go broke over this one. Please welcome the lovely Mercedes to the stage!" The DJ said loudly introducing me.

Taking I deep breath I walked seductively out on stage. Tonight was packed and men were hollering for me.

Looking towards the Dj I nodded for him to start to the music and Right Now by Trevor Jackson started to play loudly through the speakers.

When the music started I just freely started to dance and let go. I was in my own space and wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me. Pole dancing was a stress reliever for me. I just felt free on the stage.

While dancing men were throwing cash on stage and whistling at me. They were lusting after me which gave me the chills but as much as I don't like doing this job it is making me a lot of money. I try not to think of nothing else but the money.

As I continued slowly dancing these pair of eyes caught my attention. He was just staring at me intensely and intriguingly. It felt like the whole room cleared and I was just dancing for him. My body began to tense and felt warm everywhere.

As the song ended we broke eye contact. I bent down seductively and grabbed the money off the stage. Before walking off I took a glance back to see if he was still there but the mysterious man wasn't there anymore.

Before I could make it fully back stage JD stopped me in my footsteps.

He took a big puff from his cigarette and blew it in my face. I quickly swung the smoke from my face and coughed.

"What the fuck JD?!"

He chuckled lowly and continued to smoke. "I need you to work in the private rooms tonight. Someone payed good money for you."

"Hell no! I didn't sign up for this tonight! Hell I wasn't even supposed to perform tonight." I said clearly annoyed.

JD grunted stepping on his cigarette after he was done he looked at me and grabbed my face roughly. "Bitch you do what I tell you to do! You got that?"

"Yes." I mumbled snatching my face away from him.

"Good girl." He said while smirking before walking away.

Gosh I hate him so much like he literally disgusts me. He knows i'm not even supposed to be doing private dances tonight. Why the fuck do we have schedules if we don't follow them?!

Silently throwing a tantrum I walked over to the bar for a drink because I really needed one.

Tootsi was serving at the bar tonight and she looked at me with raised eyes. "Well look who we have here Ms.Mercedes. It surprises me that you come for a drink something has to be up."

"JD is having me doing extra tonight and i'm pissed about it."

She nodded while handing me a drink. "Don't worry about him he has me on cleaning duty tonight because I refused to give him pussy. I'd rather do the extra shit your doing than cleaning fucking bathrooms."

Throwing back my shot I laughed at her even though I felt kind of bad. "He has me working private rooms tonight and I don't like it. Men be always touching up on me and expect me to have sex with them." I've had trauma with men so when they touch up on me it just give me flashbacks.

Tootsi nodded her head while wiping down the counter. "I feel you girl but just make that money and leave."

Smiling at her softly I nodded and got up from the stool. I guess I should be heading towards the private rooms now.

Lord please be with me...

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