Chapter 8

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Morning came quickly and the sun was shining bright through the curtains. I yawned and stretched out of my bed ready to start this dreadful day.

A slight knock was heard as the door opened slightly. Lola peaked her head from the door and gave me a bright smile.

"Good morning Ms.Saige! I hope you are ready for your big flight this morning. We have your bags packed downstairs and have your clothes laid out in the bathroom for today." She said with a cheerful voice.

"Aw Lola you didn't have to do that! I could've gotten my stuff ready myself." I said with a frown on my face.

Lola chuckled and clasped her hands together. "Oh no dear it's not a problem for me. It's my job and if I didn't do it I would be out of a job."

We both laughed but deep down I felt bad for Lola. She was a fragile old woman trapped here doing work for a rich stuck up man.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you breakfast is downstairs." She said while chuckling.

I nodded my head and thanked her while she exited the room.

I finally decided to get up to take a shower and get ready for my day. While in the shower I couldn't help but think of Nyeli and Eric. Before I knew it tears were flooding down my face. I was thinking of the worst. Maybe they are dead? Why couldn't they just make it out alive like me?

Nyeli has helped me through many things. She has always been the big sister I never had. She was always there for me at my weakest moments and it hurts I couldn't be there for her at her lasts.

Sighing I dried my tears and got out the shower. Looking in the mirror my eyes were puffy from crying. I put a little bit of concealer on to hide the fact I was crying.

I put on the clothes laid out for me and I can say Lola did a good job. She picked out a black tight fitted track suit with flared bottoms and white Alexander McQueen shoes. I didn't feel like doing my hair so I just put on a black hat and called it a day. After doing all my hygiene things I headed downstairs for breakfast.

Bruno was at the end of the table typing away on his phone until he felt my presence.

Looking up from his phone he spoke. "Good morning bello. How did you sleep?"

Hearing how the Italian words rolled off his tongue made me hot and bothered. God I should be ashamed of how I feel but this man is way too sexy.

"Saige are you ok?" Bruno questioned in concerned.

Snapping back into reality my cheeks heated up from the embarrassment.

"Yeah I'm fine." I scoffed while taking a seat at the table.

Bruno laughed to himself and continued texting on his phone as Lola made her way to me with two handful of plates of food.

"Here you go Ms.Saige I hope you like it." Lola smiled as she carefully placed down my plates.

Looking down at my plate it had bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, french toast, fruit, and sausage. My stomach growled by just looking at the plate.

"Thank you Lola this looks amazing." I said while grabbing my fork to eat.

Lola nodded with a smile and grabbed Bruno's empty plate and exited the room.

Bruno cleared his throat and finally spoke. "While we are in Los Angeles you're going to have a mission."

I slammed my fork down and moved my plate away from me in anger. I knew something was up and he wanted something from me.

"What kind of mission?!" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Bruno sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance. "That temper of yours need to get under control."

"I've been wondering why you've been keeping me hostage here. You want me to work for you don't you? Well I'm not doing it! I refuse to be one of your whores and fuck every man walking so you can get a couple dollars." I yelled getting up from the table.

Bruno slammed his fist down on the table and the table shook. Not going to lie it took me by surprise. I must've made him angry.

"Watch how you talk to me Saige I have let you slide too many times with that mouth of yours. If you would sit the fuck down and listen to me then you would know why I have you here. Stop making yourself look pathetic it isn't cute."

I scoffed at his words. I felt embarrassed and insulted at the same time. How dare he talk to me like that? I opened my mouth to say something else but he gave me a daring look with those eyes. Feeling intimidated I slowly sat back down in my chair.

Bruno fixed his watch on his wrist and cleared his throat. "Like I was saying I need you for this important mission. If you want to see Eric and Nyeli again you will do this mission perfectly."

My ears perked up at the sound of my friends name. "They're alive?!" I said excitedly.

"Yes, they are alive but Enzo has them." He replied taking a sip of his coffee.

"Why does he have them?" I said confused on why Enzo would have any interest in them.

Bruno shrugged. "I don't know but we can easily get them back."

I will do anything to get my friends back. Just hearing that they are alive lifted a weight up off my shoulders. "So what do I have to do?" I said eagerly.

"I need you to work at a strip club called Deja Vu. That is Enzo's place to go and do business. You will be his personal dancer and once he takes you in to be one of his girls I need you to find out everything about him and inform me on it. Once we have everything we need we will kill him and take down his empire."

My breath hitched as he told me about the mission. This is so dangerous and could go sideways if I make the wrong move.

Bruno could see the concern on my face and sighed. "Everything is going to be ok. I will be there if anything goes wrong I will not let you die." He said trying to reassure me.

"Ok." I replied nodding my head. I took a deep breath trying to process all this.

Bruno suddenly got up from the table and dusted off his pants. "The car is ready outside to take us to the airport. When your ready come outside we don't need to be late."

With that he walked away leaving me once again. I just sat there thinking about all of this. I have never done anything like this before but I will do anything to get my friends back.

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