Back to the Present

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TW: Talks of sewerslide. Don't read if you are not comfortable. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES

July 29th 2017. (3 POV)

Takemichi awoke, screaming and crying. He's back in his present-day body. In the familiar room of Naoto Tachibana.

"Takemichi!" Naoto greets.

"Damn it! I came back!" The man cries.

"Huh? Does that mean you made it to the past? So shaking hands really is the trigger." Naoto thinks out loud.

Takemichi took a moment to ground himself. He was just with Hina, The girl of his dreams. The girl who is still currently dead.

"So now you're back. And I understand everything. So, how did it go? You came back because something changed right!" Natoto excitedly asks.

"Well.." Takemichi sheepishly looks to the floor.

The man begins to explain how he and Naoto accidentally touched hands, forcing him to come back to the present. After a few short yells from Naoto, a serious conversation begins. Naoto explains how Takemichis powers work, How he can't go back any further than present-day 12 years ago, and he will come back the day he left. Basically, if he leaves on the 12th of 2017, He will go back to the 12th of 2005. And vice versa. He explains how Takemichis body goes into an animated state when his consciousness is in the past.

"So, how did the mission to keep Sano and Kisaki from ever meeting go?" Naoto questions.

"Well... I met Mikey" Takemichi answers.

"Mikey? Oh, you mean Sano"

"But listen to this, Naoto! Mikey is a delinquent, but he's a really good guy!" Takemichi pleads. Mikey took him under his wing, He has feelings, He cares for people! This isn't the same guy who could be responsible for Hina's death, at least not yet.

"What? Why didn't you kill him?"

"Kill?" Takemichi is taken aback.

"The guy who killed my sister is a good person? Did he put one over on you in the past?"


"Listen! That "Mikey" is now involved in various crimes that the police can't even handle! If I could... I'd kill him with my own two hands." Naoto finishes, slamming his fist to the board behind him.

Takemichi sits down on a couch in the corner.

"Naoto... Let's go talk to Mikey."

"It's too dangerous!" Naoto pleads.

"I want to see him and talk to him in person."

"There's no point in talking to him!"

"Mikey is someone we can trust. I want to hear from Mikey himself about why Toman changed. I want to know before I go back into the past again" He stands up and walks closer to Naoto.

"Please, Help me find him" He finishes.

A sigh escapes Naoto's lips.

"I don't know what happened in the past, But you've changed. Your weak side seems to be gone now."

"D-Does that mean I'm cooler now?"

"Let's figure out how to meet Mikey" Naoto sits down at a computer.

"Hey, hello? Or do you- Wait a second!" Takemichi rushes next to Naoto.

"Look up 'Rei' in the files" He demands.

"Huh? What for? You already know who she is, don't you? Naoto questions.

"I have a feeling that where Rei is, Mikey will be close by." Takemichi states.

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now