We've been bamboozled

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On our way to check on Peh, Mikey and I got a call about something we needed to deal with in Narima, close to that Nekoma school I went to, Apparently something about those guys who were messing with our younger members. So here I am, riding next to Mikey as we dodge traffic.

It's raining, I put my hood up as we speed through the cars. What I can't understand is why someone would want Mikey to care for it. This is the stuff I usually handle this type of thing, not Mikey. But even I have to admit that it sounds like something the division's captains can handle. A small fight was supposed to happen between the 2 groups, nothing major, yet apparently, it was worth us looking into.

"This way!" I hear him yell as we turn a corner

Tokyo is really pretty at night, the lights illuminating from the tall buildings and busy traffic. The city feels so alive.

We make our way to a park, it's small and most of its concrete, with no sign on any other bikes or people for that matter.

"What the hell?" I breath

"Is this really the right place?"

I glance at Mikey, a look of confusion written all over his face.

"You go left, I'll go right, call if you see anything" Mikey orders, I nod and we head our separate ways.

This place is only lit by street lamps and there's not much grassland to cover so it doesn't take long, I make my way around the park, and nothing except beautiful scenery. No blood, no signs of a fight, no nothing. Before I know it I'm back where we started, Mikey in sight. Did we go around the entire park?

"Did you find anything?" I ask

"Nothing... Why were we called here? Did someone make a mistake?"

I have a bad feeling, something is going on.

"Let's go back," I tell him, stepping closer to the bikes.

"What? No, we must have the wrong place, he wouldn't send us here for no reason-"

"Unless something else is going on" I cut him off. I know Peh, I like to think he wouldn't do anything to hurt us but I also know that Peh is human, and humans have a tendency to be selfish.

Mikey stays quiet for a moment, With how much he trusts everyone in the gang, I get why he's being so stubborn but soon enough he follows.

We speed towards Musashi Shrine, ignoring the stop signs, red lights and everything in between. If you don't trust your instincts then what do you trust, worst case we missed a first-year fight and now we have beef with a petty gang, nothing that can't be handled in an afternoon. If I'm right, let's just say I'm really glad I changed.

Even from a distance, you can tell something is happening. 3 people vs what looks to be over 100. A closer inspection reveals that It's Takemitchy, Mitsuya and... Draken? On the ground? I subconsciously speed up and Mikey does the same.

We slide to a stop in front of the group, what looks to be the remnants of Moebius and Peh.

"I see now. The reason we were called to be somewhere else was so you could attack Ken-chin." Mikey says as we make our way closer to the group

"You were right, Rein," He turns to me.

"Nerima, wouldn't have made it here on time if we hadn't skipped those stops. Clever" I state, stepping closer to him

"You were gonna put the blame on us and break Toman in half" I finish, stopping in front of the Peh.

"I was doing it for Pah!" He shouts

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now