Shopping with Mikey!

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AN: A lil filler bc Mikey is the best one to comfort.

I don't remember getting home, all I know is that now I feel better. I feel more alert, awake if you'll say. I feel good.

I hear the sound of my door open, Dad shouldn't be back yet, My guard instantly goes up.

"Dad?" I yell.

"Nope!" Someone shouts, popping the P. Mikey.

I breathe a sigh of relief, I pick myself off my bed and my way over to the door..

"What's up?" I ask him as he flops down on my couch.

"Let's get food" He whips around to face me, a grin plastered on his face.

"Nice to see you too. We have food here" I deadpan, opening the fridge to find nothing but a few ingredients. We need groceries.

I back up slightly before running into something, No, someone. I turn slightly to see Mikey, staring at the practically empty fridge before giving me a smudged look.

"Shit..." I groan slightly to myself.

He beams at me before walking over to the door, Opening it.

"Let's go"

I sigh and grab my wallet before walking past him, I hear the door close and I turn to lock it.

We begin our way to the store, it's about a 20-minute walk on foot, Plus it's been a while since Mikey and I were able just to talk.

"Where's Draken?" I question, fumbling with my keys. It's not uncommon to see Mikey alone but usually when he comes over, so does Draken.

"Busy" He answers plainly, as we walk does the hall,

"So when the big boy is busy you come to bother your third in command?" I raise an eyebrow to him.

"What? I can't spend quality time with my favourite thief?"

"One. I USED to steal. Two, No, Without Draken I'm forced to babysit you on my own." I deadpan. He gives me a dramatic cry earning a small smile from me.

"Are you really okay? Yesterday you seemed really shaken up when you left" He changes the subject with sincerity lacing his words.

As if on cue we step outside, the air feels different than before, more refreshing.

"Yeah, I am. I really needed that, I didn't know how much this stuff was weighing me down." I answer truthfully.

"Damn I just asked if you were okay, not for your full life story"

I shove my fist into his bicep.

"Ow! I was kidding! I'm happy for you Rein, really" He smiles at me as he rubs his arm.

We walk in comfortable silence. I really can't believe how different everything seems. I knew they were dead, I guess I just never accepted it. Yesterday facing their graves I guess it made me realise that they were gone, And I was doing okay without them.

"Did Emma tell you about the festival?" He interrupts my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I don't think I'm gonna go"

He stops dead in his tracks, I turn to him, confusion written across my face.

"What? You said you wanted to go!" He booms

"I just said I've never been, not that I wanted to go" I correct, stepping closer to him.

"Besides...I've never been to that type of festival" I confess.

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now