How Two became Three

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TW: Talks of OD

Authors Note: Time to see how Rei met out two favourite blondes. 

Mikey and Draken and I all say our goodbyes before heading home. The dread starts to sink in, I was so caught up with Moebius that I forgot about Dad. I don't even get through the door before it starts.

"Where were you! No note, no nothing. We should have spent today as a family!" He yells. Surprisingly with no slurred speech, he was sober.

"I was busy. I have more important things to deal with" I state, walking past him.

He grabs my arm. "More important than your dead mother's birthday?" He questions, disgust lacing his voice.

"Yes," I tell him calmly, Yanking my arm out of his grasp

"After all she did for you!"

"Please, she didn't do jack shit for me, that was you and the 'Help' remember?" I remind him, I hate when he says Matsuki raised me.

"How dare you! How dare you offend her when she's not here to defend herself" He screams. A vein visibly bulging on his neck.

"Oh no I wish she was alive so I could tell her myself!" I raise back. Father just stares at me. Anger and sadness are written across his face.

Dad and Matsuki loved each other, there's no denying that. They would have date nights twice a week, Embrace each other, would always talk about their days every day, even if it was boring. He loved being a dad, He took care of us, read to us, and taught us. He was there. Matsuki was there when it was convenient. What he can't get through his head is that she never saw us as her kids. She didn't love us.

"I think I can count the times we ever had a laugh together on one hand. I was an extended image to her. She saw me as no more than a puppet to use for her own gain." I remind him.

"I wanted you here. We were going to get something to eat, Visit her, maybe watch a movie." He confesses.

"Sorry I didn't want to spend the day with the man who I have to babysit." I know I should feel sorry, but everything I'm saying is true and he knows it. I can't keep pretending like this is how I want things to be.

When he OD'ed, I had just gotten back from a small outing with a few higher members of the gang. It was fun. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and there he was. Pale, cold and hardly breathing. He apologized for weeks after but never did anything, he was offered rehab but didn't take it. Not because of me, or work. But because he didn't want to.

A loud silence echoes throughout the house.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I turn to face him. His eyes are glued to the floor.

"Bull, if you were you would stop" I snap.

That shuts him up, I can tell he's hurt, but he needs to hear this. It's not often that we have fights. Honestly, it's rare that we have an actual conversation. We used to be close. He used to have my back. After Matsuki died that all changed. He was filled with dread after losing the love of his life. So much so that he changed. He became a shadow of himself.

"There are some people after the gang right now, don't go anywhere alone," I warn him before closing the door to my room and locking it.

"Fuck you Matsuki" I whisper. Flipping off her ghost somewhere.

As much as I try to defend him to myself I can't ignore the facts. It was the pill's fault we lost everything, the pill's fault I had to step up and the pill's fault I was nearly raped. But if he doesn't do anything to change that, it becomes his fault. Everything after last year was his fault, I can't deny that. I had to go back to stealing so we could afford this place. I don't know if I can handle another big setback.

𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒫𝐸𝑅; 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝓎𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now